ords of Montgomery county, become operative as a plan mu-
nicipals government as therein prescribed. The bounds of such
village to be as follows: Beginning at the boundary line of the
district of Columbia at the East side of Chevy Chase circle;
thence following the said district line in a northeasterly course
to a point where the said line would be intersected by a pro-
longation of the southwest boundary line of the Cummings
tract; thence with said line of the Cummings tract and the
prolongation thereof to the southeast corner of Section one (1)
of the Martin addition to Chevy Chase; thence with the east
boundary of Sections 1, 2 and 4 of Martin's additions to the
northeast corner of said Section 4; thence in a northwesterly
direction with the northerly outline of said Section 4 and the
prolongation thereof to the point of intersection of the said
prolongation with the west side of the Brookville road; thence
southerly with the west side of the Brookville road to the point
of its intersection with the northeast corner of Section 3 of
the Chevy Chase Land Company's subdivision; thence with
the northern boundary line of said Section 3 to the east side
of Connecticut avenue; thence north with the east side o.f Con-
necticut avenue to a point opposite the south line of Thorn-
apple street; thence west across Connecticut avenue and with
the south line of Thornapple street, in a westerly direction to
the center of Meadow lane, and with the center of Meadow
lane and Valley place to the south line of Rosemary street;
thence with the south line of Rosemary street to the west
boundary line of Section 4 of a subdivision of land made by
the Chevy Chase Land Company; thence in a southerly direc-
tion with the west line of said Section 4 to the south line of
Bradley lane; thence in an easterly direction with the south
line of Bradley lane to the point of its intersection with the
west line of Connecticut avenue; thence south on Connecticut
avenue to the southeast corner of the land on said avenue be-
longing to the Chevy Chase Club; thence with the outlines of
the property of said Chevy Chase Club west and south to the
southwest corner of said land on the Rockivlle turnpike; thence
in a southerly direction with the east line of the Rockville
turnpike to a point one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet due
south from a prolongation of the south line of Grafton street;
thence due east on a line parallel with Grafton street and its
prolongation and one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet south
thereof to the point of intersection with the boundary line of
the District of Columbia; thence northeast with said boundary
line to the place of beginning.
SEC. A. That the inhabitants of the village of Chevy Chase,
Montgomery county, are hereby created a body corporate by