SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That the funds realized from the
Sale of the bonds authorized in this Act shall be applied to the
purpose of this Act. They shall be deposited by the Clerk and
the Treasurer of the town in the Kensington Bank, of the
Farmers' Banking and Trust Company of Montgomery County,
or some other banking institution in Montgomery county desig-
nated by said Commission, to the credit of the town of Garrett
Park, And subject to the check of the Clerk and Treasurer,
WHEn countersigned by the chairman of the Sewerage Commis-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That the said Sewerage Commis-
sion shall be authorized and empowered to construct a'nd main-
fain in working order a sewerage system for the town for the
collection, transmission and disposal of sewage from the houses
and other buildings in said town; and the said Sewerage Com-
mission shall have the power and shall be authorized to deter-
mine when and where and in what order, and under what
streets, roads, lanes and alleys the sewers shall be constructed
or laid, and to make contracts for the construction thereof, and
shall have all power necessary and appropriate for said pur-
poses and for the accomplishment of all the objects pertaining
to the functions of the said Commission as in this Act set forth.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That the Mayor and Council of
Garrett Park, for and on behalf of the said Sewerage Commis-
sion, shall have full power and authority to acquire as the prop-
erty of the town of Garrett Park, by purchase, lease, gift or
devise, or by condemnation in the manner prescribed in Sec-
tions 360 to 366. inclusive, of Article 23 of the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland, title "Corporations," sub-title
"Condemnation of Property by Corporations," any land or in-
terest therein, in or near" said town of Garrett Park, which
may be needed for the disposal of sewage, or for any pipes,
sewers, buildings or other works or structures needed for the
construction and operation of said sewerage system, or the
disposal of sewage; and that the Garrett Park Sewerage Com-
mission shall have full power and authority to construct said
sewers in or under the beds of any streets, road, alleys and
lanes of said town, and in or under any lots or parcels of
ground belonging to or which may be acquired by the town of
Garrett Park, and the said Sewerage Commission shall have
the power and authority to fix a schedule of rates for furnish-
ing sewerage to private residences and other buildings, certi-
fying said schedule to the Clerk and Tresaurer of the town.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said Garrett Park Sew-
erage Commission shall be and it is hereby authorized and em-
powered to pass such orders for the payments of moneys due