as other taxes are levied in the said town, are collected, and
when collected shall be applied as hereinbefore and hereinafter
provided; said bonds and coupons, when so issued, shall be non-
contestable for any cause whatsoever, and the said bonds and
coupons so issued, when redeemed, shall be cancelled immedi-
ately, and it shall be the duty of the said Mayor and Council
of Garrett Park to cancel the same.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted., That the formation of a commis-
sion, to be known as the Garrett Park Sewerage Commission,
is hereby authorized, provided the initial issue of bonds for the
construction of said sewerage system is approved in the man-
ner prescribed in Section 1 of this Act. Said Commission shall
consist of three members, each of whom shall be a male resi-
dent of the town and who for one year next preceding his elec-
tion shall have paid taxes to the town on real or personal prop-
erty. Each member of the Commission shall be of the age of
twenty-one years or over, and one of whom shall be the Mayor
of the said town or a member of the Council thereof. Immedi-
ately upon the approved of the initial issue of bonds in the
manner prescribed in Section 1 of this Act, it shall be the duty
of the Mayor and Council to provide for the election by ballot
of the members of the Commission, and thereafter annually, at
the expiration of their terms, for the election of their succes-
sors. Said election shall be held not less than two weeks, nor-
more th an three weeks, after the approval of the issue of bonds,
and at least two weeks' notice of said election shall be given by
notices posted in public places in said town. Each resident of
said town of Garrett Park who at the time of election shall
have, within the previous twelve months, paid taxes to the town
for sanitary service or sewer service for not less than six
months, shall be entitled to vote for the members of said Com-
mission. The members of said Commission shall be elected for-
a term of one, two and three years, respectively, and shall serve
without compensation. The members of the Commission shall
elect one of their number as chairman. All vacancies in said
Commission occurring before the next regular election for
members of said Commission shall be filled by appointment
by the Mayor, with the consent of the Council, said members
holding office only until the time of said election. The length
of the term of service of the first members of said Commission
shall be determined as follows:
The member receiving the largest number of votes shall hold
office for three years; the second in number, for two years; the
third in number, for one year; and, in case of a tie vote, the
length of service shall be determined by lot.