than fourteen thousand dollars ($14,000) issued at any time,
then the bonds of such issue shall be redeemable in the above
proportion annually, so that the whole series and the whole
issue of bonds shall be paid off and redeemed not more than
twenty years from the date of each and every bond issue; and
be it further provided, that where the amount required to be
redeemed of any issue in any given year is more than the even
sum of any given number of bonds, it shall be the duty and
right of the said Mayor and Council to redeem and pay in the
said year the whole of any bond a part of which may be neces-
sary to cover the amount required to be redeemed in that year,
and to this end the said Mayor and Council shall issue said
bonds numbered in regular order and redeemable as numbered,
commencing with the lowest numbers. The bonds of each issue
shall be sold only after due advertisement of not less than once
a week for three weeks in two papers published not less than
once a week in Montgomery county, Maryland, at public sale
or at private sale, in the discretion of the said Mayor and
Council; provided that none of the said bonds shall be sold for
less than par. The Clerk and Treasurer shall keep a book, to
be especially provided, and record therein the serial numbers
of the bonds, and the names and addresses of the original pur-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Mayor and Council
of Garrett Park shall have authority and are hereby empow-
ered to levy annually a special sewerage tax sufficient to pay
such bonds as may be issuedx and the interest thereon, as the
said bonds and interest or coupons may severally mature, as
herein provided, which said special tax shall be levied against
each town lot, or groups of contiguous town lots, under one
ownership, vacant or occupied, which may be served by the said
sewerage system, in such proportion of the total amount re-
quired as the total number of front feet in such lot or lots bear
to the number of front feet in all lots which may be served by
the sewer installed, or to be installed, by the expenditure of
the funds realized from the sale of said bonds; provided, how-
ever, that where a corner lot fronts or abuts on two streets,
both containing sewers, requires but one service, the front feet
shall be computed for the purpose of this assessment as one-
half of the total number of front feet in such corner lot border-
ing on both streets. The costs of maintenance shall be assessed
equally against the owners of the houses or other structures
served by the sewer, and shall be due and payable bimonthly,
in advance. And the said special tax and all assessments for
the maintenance and service charges shall be liens upon the
assessable property of said to\vn against which they are levied.
The said taxes or assessments shall be collected in like manner