shall place the same on the appeal docket and issue a subpoena
for the witness named by the Justice, and the case shall be
tried on the information or the warrant as if on appeal, and if.
on waiver of jury trial before the Justice and trial before him
either party shall feel aggrieved, there shall be a right of ap-
peal to the Circuit Court for Montgomery county in case the
judgment of the Justice is against the accused, and he shall
appeal. He shall enter into a recognizance with security to be
approved by said justice, and in every such case the appeal shall
be taken within 10 days after the judgment entered; provided,
however, that any person charged with any of the above-named
offenses may at any time before trial before said Justice waive
a hearing and ask in writing to be admitted to bail or com-
mitted in order that the Grand Jury for Montgomery County
at the next term of the Circuit Court for said county may in-
vestigate the charge against him, her or them, in which event
said Justice of the Peace shall comply with the law providing
for committing or bailing of parties held for the action of the
Grand Jury.
SEC. 9. Be it enacted, That in the event of the absence of
said Justice any one of the judges of the Circuit Court for
Montgomery county shall designate and appoint one of the
other Justices of the Peace of said county to act during his ab-
sence who shall for the time being be clothed with all the pow-
ers and authorities of said Justice. And in the event of death,
removal or resignation of said Justice so appointed by the pro
visions of this Act, any one of the Judges of the Circuit Court
for Montgomery County may appoint and designate one of the
Justices of the Peace of said county to act as and in place of
said Police Justice for the remainder of term for which said
Police Justice had been appointed for; provided, however, that
said Justice so appointed shall comply with the provisions of
this Act in the matter of giving bond and making reports as
herein provided for.
SEC. 10. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of said
Police Justice so appointed to have all charges made against
any person because of the alleged commission by such person
of aiiy criminal offence, it shall be his duty to carefully exam-
ine into every such charge to the end that while justice shall be
done no person shall be subjected to costs or imprisonment
without sufficient cause, and said Justice shall have the power
to hear, try and determine the case of every person who may be
arrested and brought before him for any act done or omitted
to be done in the county of Montgomery, the doing of which
act or the omission to do which act is or may be punishable
under an Act of the Assembly of this State or under any ordi-