nance passed by any incorporated town in the county of Mont-
gomery as and for a misdemeanor.
SEC. 11. Be it enacted, That in all criminal prosecutions or
proceedings which under the provisions of the preceding sec-
tions may be heard, tried and determined before said Justice
herein provided for and authorized, it shall be the duty of said
Justice of the Peace, in the event of conviction of the accused
at the said trial, to impose upon the said accused so convicted
the fine or fine and punishment prescribed in the case of such
conviction by the Act of Assembly of Maryland, or by ordi-
nance of any incorporated town in Montgomery county for the
violation of which the accused was so tried; provided, however,
that said Justice shall not have the power or authority to sen-
tence any committed person for the commission of any felony.
SEC. 12. Be it enacted, That all other Justices of the Peace
of said Montgomery county shall continue to have, hold and
perform all authorities, powers, privileges and jurisdiction
heretofore conferred by. the General Assembly of Maryland in
all things that are not specifically limited by this Act, and that
nothing contained herein shall curtail or take away jurisdic-
tion from any of said other Justice of the Peace, any jurisdic-
tion in any civil matters or in any criminal matters so far as
relates to issuance of warrants and summons for the apprehen-
sion of any person accused of any offence under the laws of
this State.
SEC. 13. Be it enacted, That all Acts inconsistent with this
Act are hereby repealed.
SEC. 14. Be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1910.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the Mayor and Council of
the town of Kensington, Montgomery county, to erect a build-
ing in said town for the purpose of town office, lockup and
cover for fire apparatus; and to purchase fire apparatus for
the protection of property in said town and to issue and sell
bonds to an amount not to exceed the sum of $5,000; and to
provide for the levy and collection of a special tax to meet
the interest and principal of said bonds as the same become
due; and to submit the same to the vote of the resident
property owners of said town.