SEC. 8. Be it enacted, That the said Police Justice herein
provided for shall have in addition to the jurisdiction which
other Justices of the Peace possess, and upon which may be
conferred upon all Justices of the Peace in said Montgomery
County by or under the laws of State jurisdiction concurrent
with that exercised by the Circuit Court for Montgomery Coun-
ty in all cases of assault without felonious intent and in
all cases of assault and battery, and in the following other
misdemeanors, to wit: Cruelty to animals, vagrancy, collection
of tolls from funerals, drunkenness and disorderly conduct,
disturbance of the public peace, wrongfully opening or break-
ing the seal of any letter not addressed to the party, selling
deadly weapons to minors, obscene publications, blasphemy,
destroying bounded or boundary trees, fraud upon turnpike
companies, all charges of violations of health laws, violation
of laws relating to turnpike companies, failing to keep a light
reflected upon toll bars, trading stamps and female sitters, sell-
ing of intoxicating liquors, gambling, wife beating, desertion
of wife or child, disorderly houses, carrying of concealed weap-
ons, maliciously destroying property, unlawful hunting, gam-
ing, simple larceny, care and protection of minors, Sabbath
breaking, and all other violation of law that are classed and
specified as misdemeanors; provided, however, that said Jus
tice shall not have any jurisdiction in cases of a felony charged
in any warrant or indictment, except for the purpose of arrest,
commitment for a hearing, commitment for the action of the
Grand Jury. And said Justice shall have power to issue all
processes and to do all acts which may be necessary to the exer-
cise of his said jurisdiction; may try and determine all cases
whereof he may have jurisdiction, and may pronounce judg-
ment and sentence therein in the same manner .and to the same
extent as the Circuit Court for Montgomery county could in
such cases if said cases were tried before said Court without
the investigation of a jury; provided, however, that if any per
son when brought before said Justice having jurisdiction of the
case shall before trial of the alleged offense pray a jury trial,
or if the State's Attorney for said county shall before the trial
of such alleged offense pray a jury trial upon the part of the
State, it shall be the duty of said Justice to commit such al
leged offender for trial in the Circuit Court for Montgomery
county at its then session, if it be in session, or its next session
if it be not then in session, and to return said commitment or
recogizance with the name or names and residences of the
witnesses for the prosecution indorsed thereon, forthwith to
the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and the said Justice shall in
form the person charged of his right to a jury trial, and on
receipt of the recognizance sent up by the Justice the Clerk