the Peace of the said county, and shall have exclusive jurisdic-
tion of a Justice of Peace in the hearing of all charges and
trial of all cases of criminal offenses or for the recovery of any
fine, penalty or forfeitures, unde rthe laws of this State with-
in the limits of said Montgomery county, and in the event of a
warrant being sworn out before any other Justice of the Peace
for any offense committed in said county it shall be the duty
of the Justice of the Peace before whom such a warrant is
sworn out to make the same returnable before the said Police
Justice for hearing and trial.
SEC. 5. Be it enacted, That whenever any person shall be
arrested in said Montgomery county upon any criminal charge
or for the violation of any law of this State, whether such ar-
rest is made without writ or is made under a warrant issued
by any Justice of the Peace of the said Montgomery county, it
shall be the duty of such officer making such arrest, or in whose
custody the person so arrested may be, to take the person so
arrested before the said Police Justice for hearing or trial, and
the said Police Justice shall have the right and power to
amend any writ or warrant so as aforesaid issued by or return-
able before him so that such case may be tried on its merits
and the purposes of justice subserved.
SEC. 6. Be it enacted, That said Police Justice shall be enti-
tled to and receive the fees now allowed by law to other Jus-
tices of the Peace for issuing any warrant of arrest or sum-
mons for witness, or for hearings, trial, judgment and commit-
ment, and shall also receive and be allowed the same fees as
other Justices of the Peace in said county in civil actions, and
shall be paid in the same manner as other Justices of the Peace
are paid.
SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That said Police Justice shall at the
first regular meeting of the County Commissioners of Mont-
gomery county held in each month make a report in writing,
verified under oath, of all criminal cases heard or tried before
him during the preceding month, which report shall state in
each case the name of the defendant, the offence charged, the
name of the person upon whose complaint the warrant was is-
sued, the number of witnesses summoned, the name of the
officer serving the warrant and summons, the judgment ren-
dered, the amount of fine or penalty imposed, the amount of
costs taxed which shall include all constable's or sheriff's fees,
and the amount of fine and costs collected by him, and shall at
the time of making his report pay over to the County Commis-
sioners all such fine, costs, penalties and forfeitures enumer-
ated in his said report.