he may deem necessary for the purposes of such temporary
receivership; the salaries of such clerks to be paid out of the
funds of the failed banking institution. The Deputy Bank
Commissioner and the office clerks shall give bond in such
sums as the Governor and the Bank Commissioner may deter-
mine for the faithful performance of their respective duties,
said bonds to be approved by the Governor and the cost to be
charged as expense of the office.
3. The Bank Commissioner shall devise a seal for the use
of his office, which shall continue the seal of said department.
A description of the seal, with an impression thereof, shall be
filed with the Secretary of State.
4. No Bank Commissioner, Deputy or Clerk shall examine
a banking institution in which he is interested as stockholder,
officer, employee or otherwise.
5. The Bank Commissioner shall, in case of the failure of
any of the institutions named in this Article, act as temporary
receiver, without any additional compensation therefor, pend-
ing the appointment of a permanent receiver by a court of
competent jurisdiction.
6. In case of a vacancy in the office of the Bank Commis-
sioner from any cause, or during the disability or absence of
that officer, the Deputy Commissioner shall perform the duties
of that office.
7. The Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner shall, at
least once in each year, and whenever he considers it expedient,
visit each banking institution in this State, other than
National Banks. At such visits he shall, in the presence of
one of the officers of the institution, have free access to the
vaults, books and papers, and he shall inspect and examine
the affairs of the institution, to ascertain its condition and
see whether it complies with the provisions of law. Any addi-
tional examination other than an annual examination shall
be made at the expense of the Banking Department.
8. The Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner may sum-
mon the officers, managers, trustees, employees or agents of
such banking institution and such other witnesses as he thinks
proper, and examine them relative to its affairs, and for that
purpose may administer oaths. Whoever, without justifiable
cause, refuses to appear or testify when required, or obstructs
the Commissioner or those acting for him in the discharge of
his duties, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction in a Court of competent jurisdiction shall be pun-
ished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or im-
prisonment for not more than one year, or both.
9. If, upon examination, any banking institution appears