to be insolvent, or its condition such as to render the continu-
ance of its business hazardous to the public, or if it appears
to have failed to comply with any provision of law, the Bank
Commissioner shall report the same to the Governor, who may
cause such proceedings to be instituted against the institu-
tion as he may deem proper, after advising with the Attorney-
General with respect thereto.
10. If, in the opinion of the Bank Commissioner, any of the
officers, managers or trustees of any banking institution afore-
said have violated any of the provisions of this law, he shall
forthwith report the same to the Governor, who may direct the
Attorney-General to institute a prosecution for such violation.
11. Any officer, manager, trustee, agent, clerk or employee,
who wilfully and knowingly violates any of the provisions of
the law governing or regulating the institutions mentioned in
this Article, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and if
found guilty shall be fined not more than one thousand dol-
lars or be imprisoned for not more than three years', or both.
12. The Bank Commissioner shall examine, or cause to be
examined, any institution named in this Article when re-
quested by the board of directors of such institution.
13. The Bank Commissioner shall examine each statement
received, as provided to be made in this Article by the banking
institutions, and when in his judgment any irregularities or
bad management are disclosed therein, or if such statement is
not furnished within the time limit required, or if furnished,
does not in all respects conform to the requirements set forth
in this Article, he shall examine into the condition and verify
the report of any such institution.
14. The Bank Commissioner, his Deputy and every clerk in
his department shall be bound by oath to keep secret all the
facts and information obtained in the course of such examina-
tion, except so far as the public duty of such officer requires
him to report upon or take special action regarding .the affairs
of any banking institution and except when called as a wit-
ness in any criminal proceeding or trial in a court of justice.
If any Bank Commissioner, Deputy or Clerk in such depart-
ment shall disclose the name of any debtor of any banking
institution, or anything relative to the private accounts or
transactions of such institution, or shall disclose any fact
discovered in the course of his examination, except as herein
provided, he shall be subject, on conviction thereof, to for-
feiture of his office and to the payment of not more than
one thousand dollars, or imprisonment not more than two
years, or both.
15. Neither the Bank Commissioner, Deputy Bank Com-
missioner nor any of the Clerks in the employ of the Bank