Circuit Court for Baltimore County and by him recorded among
the records of said Court, and a certified copy thereof as soon as
filed with him shall be delivered to the County Commissioners
of Baltimore County by the clerk of said Court.
SEC. 368c. In case a majority of the votes at said election
shall be cast in favor of the issuance of said bonds, the County
Commissioners of Baltimore County as now elected by the peo-
ple, and their successors, in addition to their other powers and
duties under the law, shall by virtue of their office be members
of the Good Roads Commission of Baltimore County, hereby
created, and to said County Commissioners of Baltimore Coun-
ty shall be added two persons, to be appointed by the judges
of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, residing in said
county, in a manner to preserve during the continuance of the
Good Roads Commission of Baltimore County, hereby cre-
ated, a representation from the minority party on said com-
mission of two of the five members thus selected, which five
members shall constitute the Good Roads Commission of Balti-
more County, by which name they shall sue and be sued in the
Courts of this State in all matters pertaining to the selection,
erection and construction of roads and bridges, and the im-
provement of existing roads and bridges over which they are
given control by the provisions of this Act. The word
"minority" used in this Act shall be construed to mean that
political party which shall have cast or shall cast the next
largest aggregate vote in Baltimore County at the last election
prior to the passage of this Act; and at the succeeding elections
in which the County Commissioners are elected during the
continuance of the Good Roads Commission of Baltimore
County it shall be the duty of each member of the said the
Good Roads Commission of Baltimore County" before under-
taking to enter upon his duties as such, and thereafter at such
time as the County Commissioners of Baltimore County shall
qualify, or the minority members of said commission be
appointed by the judges of the Circuit Court for Baltimore
County, as herein provided, to severally take and subscribe to
an oath before the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, that
he will, to the best of his skill and ability, diligently and faith-
fully execute his duties as a member of the Good Roads Com-
mission of Baltimore County, and that he will not during the
time he remains a member of said commission become pecu-
niarily interested in any contract for work done or material
provided for the roads or bridges under the control of said
commission; nor will he directly or indirectly receive any
pecuniary profit or reward as such except as provided by law.
The members of the Good Roads Commission of Baltimore
County shall organize by selecting a president and designating