in connection therewith as may be necessary, the whole to
provide for the expenditure out of said sum of one million
five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) for the purposes
aforesaid of one hundred thousand dollars ($ 100,000.00) in
each of the fifteen election districts of Baltimore County,
this Act to be known and designated as Sections 368B, 368C,
368D, 368E, 368F, 368C, 368H, 368I, 368J, 368K, 368L and
368M of Article III of the Code of Public Laws of Maryland,
title "Baltimore,County," subtitle "Roads."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of
Baltimore County at the election to be held on the first Tues-
day after the first Monday in November, in the year 1911, for
the approval or rejection of said voters, the question of raising
by the issuance of bonds of said county the sum of one million
five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) for the purpose of
selecting, erecting and constructing roads and bridges in said
county, and for the improvement of such existing roads and
bridges as the Good Roads Commission of Baltimore County
shall deem for the best interests of the citizens of the county;
and in case of a majority vote in favor of the issuance of said
bonds as in this Act provided there shall be created and consti-
tuted "The Good Roads Commission of Baltimore County,"
with power and authority to adopt and carry out such rules
and regulations as are provided in and consistent with this
Act as they may consider necessary, the whole to be known as
Sections 368B to 368M, both inclusive, of said Article III, and
to read as follows:
SEC. 368B. The Board of Election Supervisors of Baltimore
County shall place upon the ballot to be voted by the qualified
voters in Baltimore County at the election to be held on the
first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1911, the
plan or proposition contained in Section 1 of this Act, which
plan shall be voted upon as an entirety, and not separately,
and the said Supervisors shall provide for the purpose space
on said ballot in which shall be printed in uniform type the
words "For the Good Roads Loan," and another space which
shall be printed in similar type the words "Against the Good
Roads Loan," and the ballot shall be so arranged as to give
the voter a clear and single method of casting his vote either
for or against the proposed loan according to the election
laws now in force in Baltimore County; the election officials
in Baltimore County serving at said election shall make
returns of the votes cast for and against said road loan as ap-
pearing upon said ballot to the Board of Election Supervisors
of Baltimore County, who shall tabulate said returns and shall
make a separate return thereof to be left with the Clerk 6f the