a chief clerk and auditor who shall act as secretary of said
commission. And said commission shall at the time of its
organization as aforesaid and thereafter from time to time
adopt such rules and by-laws and rules of procedure for the
order and conduct of business as it may deem necessary. The
said Good Roads Commission of Baltimore County shall meet
on Monday in each week at the office of the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore County to transact business connected with
its duties under this Act, and may hold such other meetings as
the proper discharge of its duties may require. It shall keep
a journal of proceedings, in which shall be entered all of its
proceedings in detail, and the correctness of the same shall be
attested each week by the president and secretary of the com-
mission. It shall also keep books showing in detail the work
done and the expenditures of money upon each section or por-
tion of roads and bridges constructed or improved under the
direction of said commission in each election district. All of
which said books and records shall be open for inspection to
any taxpayer of the county. Each of the County Commission-
ers of Baltimore County shall be entitled to receive the sum of
six hundred dollars ($600) per annum, and no more, in ad-
dition to the salary now received as County Commissioners and
as members of the highway commission of Baltimore County
as compensation for the duties imposed upon them in this Act.
The two members of said commission appointed by the judges
of the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, as herein provided,
shall hold their office subject to the order of the members of
the Court who appointed them, and shall receive as com-
pensation the sum of six hundred dollars ($ 600) per annum.
The Road Engineer of the Highways Commission of Baltimore
County shall be the Chief Engineer of said Good Roads Com-
mission, and shall receive such extra compensation for services
rendered said commission as said Good Roads Commission
shall determine.
SEC. 368D. If the voters of Baltimore County shall by a
majority vote at the election aforesaid declare in favor of the
issuance of said bonds as provided in this Act, then the County
Commissioners of Baltimore County shall be and they are
hereby authorized, empowered and directed to issue bonds to
the amount of one million five hundred thousand dollars
($1,500,000), to be signed by the president of the said County
Commissioners of Baltimore County and by the treasurer of
said county, under the corporate seal of the said County Com-
missioners, to be designated as "Baltimore County Road
Bonds," and to be numbered and to be issued in denominations
of five hundred dollars ($500) and one thousand dollars
($1,000), bearing interest at the rate of four and one-half per