136c. It shall be lawful for any clerk duly appointed and
qualified as herein provided, to attend and be present at the
sessions of every grand jury impaneled in said county, and it
shall be his duty to take in shorthand the testimony introduced
before such grand juries, and to furnish to the grand jury and
the States Attorney of said county a full copy of all such testi-
mony as such grand jury or States Attorney shall require, and
he shall not permit any other person to take a copy of the
same, nor any portion thereof, nor to read the same, nor any
portion thereof, nor shall he disclose the character of any of
the contents of the same to any person or persons other than
the grand jury or States Attorney for said county; all of the
said original minutes shall be kept in the custody of said
State's Attorney, and neither the same nor a copy of the same
shall be taken from the office of said State's Attorney excepting
for the use of a grand jury for said county or for production
in Court.
136D. Any clerk appointed as aforesaid who shall violate any
of the provisions of the three preceding sections with regard to
secrecy shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con-
viction thereof shall be fined not exceeding one thousand dol-
lars, or imprisoned in jail not exceeding one year, or be both
fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the Court.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1910.
AN ACT to provide for submitting to the qualified voters of
Baltimore County at the election to be held on the first
Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1911, for their
approval or rejection, the question of raising by a bond
issue the sum of one million five hundred thousand dollars
($1,500,000) for the purposes of selecting, erecting and con-
structing roads and bridges in Baltimore County, for the
improvement of existing roads, for the creation of a commis-
sion to be known as the Good Roads Commission of Balti-
more County, to manage and control the selection, erection
and construction of said roads and bridges, for the improve-
ment of such existing roads and. bridges that said commis-
sion shall deem advisable, to acquire by condemnation or
purchase land suitable for said roads, to manage the expen-
diture of the funds when and as raised by the sale of said
bonds, and to adopt and carry out such rules and regulations