audited by some responsible auditing company once in each
year, and to have the reports of said audits published for two
weeks in two newspapers published in Baltimore County.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1910.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections
136A, 136B, 136C and 136D of Article 3 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Baltimore County," subtitle
"Jurors," as enacted by Chapter 402 of the Acts of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January Session
1908, providing for a clerk to the grand juries of said county
and defining his duties and imposing a penalty for the viola-
tion thereof.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 136A, 136B, 136c and 136D of Article 3 of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Baltimore
County," subtitle "Jurors," as the same were enacted by Chap-
ter four hundred and two of the Acts of the General Assembly
of Maryland, passed at the January Session 1908, be and the
same are hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read as
136A. The Judges of the Third Judicial Circuit of the State
of Maryland are hereby authorized and empowered to appoint
a clerk, who shall be a competent stenographer, at a compensa-
tion of forty dollars per month, to be paid by the County Com-
missioners of Baltimore County, which said clerk shall have
authority to take and transcribe the testimony given before
any grand jury in said County of Baltimore, and all of the
said testimony so taken and transcribed shall be for the exclu-
sive use and benefit of the grand jury and the State's Attorney
of said county, and said clerk shall also perform such other
clerical and stenographic work as the Judges or either of them
of said circuit may prescribe, without further compensation.
136B. Any clerk appointed under the provisions of the pre-
ceding section shall, before he enters upon the duties of his
office, take and subscribe before the clerk of the Circuit Court
for Baltimore County an oath that he will keep secret all
matters and things occurring before such grand juries or the
said Judges of the Third Judicial Circuit.