nished free of charge by the County Commissioners, wherein
the applicant shall set forth in his own handwriting his full
name and age, the place and State of his birth, his occupation
for two years preceding his application, and such other infor-
mation as the Commissioners may require touching the merits
and fitness of the applicant for the position for which he ap-
plies; such application shall be signed by the applicant, with
his affidavit that the facts therein set forth are true to the
best of his knowledge and belief, and shall contain blanks to be
filled in by four reputable citizens of said county, certifying
that the applicant is known to them for not less than one year,
and in character and habits, to the best of their knowledge
and belief, is in all respects fit for the service which he wishes
to enter, and said applicant shall not be less than twenty-one
years of age.
SEC. 290. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
may at any time, in their judgment and discretion, remove,
dismiss or discharge any officer (including the marshal or
officers of any other designation or rank on said force) from
the police service for any offense against law or good morals,
for neglect of duty, inefficiency, physical or mental disability
or breach of discipline or for the betterment of the service.
The County Commissioners may punish any officer for any
offense, by fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or by suspension
not exceeding one month, or both fine and suspension, or they
may remove, discharge or dismiss said officer, including the
marshal or officers of any other designation or rank, on said
force as aforesaid. The Commissioners shall cause to be kept
in their office a minute book or books of County Police, in
which shall be recorded a list of all applications and date of
appointment of all officers of the force, any charges that may
be preferred and dispositions made thereof, all fines, suspen-
sions, death, resignations, removal, dismissal, or discharges,
all condemnations and all public reprimands issued by the
County Commissioners, and such other proceedings concerning
the police force as the Commissioners may deem necessary and
proper. The Commissioners may at any time make a perma-
nent reduction in the police force.
SEC. 292. And be it enacted, That the pay of each patrolman
shall not be less than seventy dollars per month, and the pay
of the marshal shall not be less than one hundred dollars per
month, and the pay of such other officers as the County Com-
missioners may designate in order to promote the proper gov-
ernment, discipline and efficiency of said police force, shall not
be less than seventy dollars per month; all pay-rolls to be
made out monthly and certified as required, by the County
Commissioners; provided, however, that nothing in this Act