in such manner as they, or a majority of them, may require,
and shall faithfully account for all money received by him as
secretary and treasurer aforesaid; and the person so appointed
as secretary and treasurer, before he acts as such, shall give
bond with surety to be approved by said Commissioners, or a
majority thereof, in the sum of $75,000, conditioned for faithful
execution of the trust reposed in him, which bond shall be
filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore
County and recorded among the records of Baltimore County,
and the cost of said bond to be paid out of the funds made
available by this Act, a certified copy of which shall be received
as evidence in any court of law or equity in this State; and the
said Commissioners appointed by this Act shall have power to
fill any vacancy occurring by death, resignation or refusal to
act, or any other disqualification of the person so appointed as
secretary and treasurer, and the person appointed to fill such
vacancy shall give bond as herein required. Said Commission-
ers shall also have power to sue in any of the courts of this
State in any matter connected with their duties under this
Act. The County Commissioners of Baltimore County shall
alone be responsible upon all cause of action which may arise
out of the making of the improvements provided for by this
Act, and all suits of every character shall be brought against
it and not against the Commissioners created by this Act, or
any members thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the. date of its passage.
Approved March 12, 1910.
AN ACT to authorize the Board of County School Commis-
sioners of Baltimore County to settle the claim of George
Sack & Sons for material furnished in the construction of
the addition to the schoolhouse at Hamilton, in Baltimore
Whereas, George Sack & Sons furnished to R. E. Lee Bosley,
the contractor for the erection of the addition to the school-
house at Hamilton, in Baltimore County, the material required
for said addition; that the amount of material furnished by
him toward the erection of said schoolhouse amounted to ten
hundred and twelve dollars and ninety-one cents ($1,012.91) ;