lighting, plumbing, toilets and water closets, and the intro-
duction of water and drainage system and telephone service
in said addition and in the present courthouse buildings, and
furnish said courthouse and the additions, when so constructed
and completed, with necessary and proper cases for the
reception, preservation of public records, public papers and
documents, and for the books, of the Law Library of said
Court, and with all necessary furniture, and such other things
as the public convenience may require, and to make such
changes in or repairs to the present courthouse as the Com-
missioners herein named may deem proper.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
of Baltimore County are hereby authorized and required, upon
the requisition of said Commissioners, or a majority of them,
appointed by this Act, to pay over to the secretary and
treasurer of said Commissioners such sum of money as may
from time to time be required and found to be necessary for
the payment of the cost of the addition and other improve-
ments authorized by this Act to be made by said Commis-
sioners herein appointed; and the County Commissioners of
Baltimore County are hereby authorized and required to levy
annually upon the assessable property of said county in the
levies of 1910, 1911 and 1912 such sum or sums as may be
necessary to pay for the cost of said addition, equipment,
furnishings and the other improvements which the Commis-
sioners herein appointed are, by this Act, authorized to pro-
vide, furnish and to do; and the said County Commissioners
are authorized and empowered to borrow upon the credit of
Baltimore County from time to time, and upon such terms as
they may deem proper, at a rate of interest not exceeding six
per cent, any sum or sums of money necessary for the payment
of the cost of the improvements, additions and other things
authorized by this Act, in case there be no available funds in
the Treasury of said county for that purpose to meet the
requisition of the Commissioners herein appointed, and any
sum or sums borrowed shall be repaid, with interest, out of
the money received from said levies.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Commissioners
appointed by this Act shall appoint one of their number as
secretary and treasurer, who shall have charge of all moneys
paid over and received by the Commissioners under this Actr
and who shall pay out and disburse the same only upon the
order of a majority of said Commissioners, and keep a full
and perfect account of all moneys received and disbursed by
him, with the vouchers therefor, which he shall regularly
render and exhibit to the said Commissioners at such time and