as the Free School Farm, except two acres thereof and apply-
ing the proceeds, of said sale toward building a new school
house on the said two acres so reserved. Now, therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That authority be and the same is hereby granted to Ben-
jamin Watkins, Sr., Robert W. Kent, Ephraim Gaither and
Julian M. Beard, constituting the Board of Visitors of the Free
School of Anne Arundel County, a body politic, and their suC-
cessors, to sell at either public or private sale, whichever they
may deem the more advantageous, the property known as the
Free School Farm in Anne Arundel County, the same lying at
the head of South River and between Rutland and Chesterfield,
in the Second Election District of said county, excepting from
said sale two acres of the said land which the said visitors are
hereby authorized to reserve for the purpose of erecting a new
school building with the money derived from the sale of the one
hundred and forty-eight acre tract; the location of the said two
acres so reserved to be selected by the said visitors. And upon
the payment of the whole purchase money (and not before) the
said visitors, or their successors, shall by a good and sufficient
deed, to be executed, acknowledged and recorded according to
law, convey to the purchaser or purchasers, a clear, fee simple
title to the property and estate sold as above directed; and the
money derived from said sale shall be applied first to the pay-
ment of all proper expenses incident thereto and being such as
are now recognized and sanctioned by the rules of the Circuit
Court for Anne Arundel County for sales of real estate under
equity jurisdiction, and then to apply the balance toward the
building of a new school house as hereinbefore mentioned.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said visitors and their
successors are hereby authorized and empowered to do any and
all things necessary and proper for carrying into effect the pur-
pose of this Act as hereinbefore set forth.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1910.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 155b
of Article 2 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Anne
Arundel County," subtitle "Fish, Crabs and Terrapins," and
to re-enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 155b of Article 2 of the Code of Public