Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel County," subtitle "Fish,
Crabs and Terrapins," be and the same is hereby repealed and
re-enacted with amendments so as to read as follows:
155b. Any person who shall violate any provision of the
two preceding sections, or who shall expose for sale within the
limits of said county any white perch under seven inches in
length; any yellow perch under eight inches in length; and
rock fish under ten inches in length, shall be arrested, and the
boat, seine or apparatus used in such unlawful proceeding by
him shall be seized, and upon conviction of such offense before
any Justice of the Peace of said county, such offender shall be
fined not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, one-fourth
of said fine to go to the informer, one-fourth to the constable
or sheriff making the arrest, and the remaining one-half to the
Board of Commissioners for said county, for school purposes;
in default of the payment of the fine aforesaid, the said boat,
seine, apparatus or material so seized shall be condemned and
sold to pay the said fine and costs, after ten days' notice
thereof by handbills posted near the place of seizure, at the
Court House door, and at the market house in Annapolis; and
if the owner of any property so seized shall be unknown, or
shall make his escape, or shall fail to appear within five days
after such seizure, the said property so seized shall be con-
demned and sold as hereinbefore provided; any party adjudged
guilty of the violation of the provisions of this section, or of
the two preceding sections of the subtitle, who feels himself
aggrieved thereby, shall have the right to appeal to the Circuit
Court for said county, as in case of appeal in civil cases from
decisions of Justices of the Peace, and subject to the same laws
and rules that govern in such other cases of appeal; provided,
however, that the said person or persons having in ppssession
or exposing for sale the fish above designated that such owner
or person offering the same shall not be subject to the penalties
prescribed by this section, if there shall not be more than five
(5%) per cent, of fish so had in his possession or exposed for
sale less than the lengths hereinbefore provided for.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect from
the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1910.
AN ACT to repeal Section two hundred and twenty-five of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "Anne. Arundel County,"
subtitle "Treasurer," as enacted by the Acts of eighteen