any person, with his knowledge, whether such person be the
owner or only the occupant of said premises, shall be deemed
for the purpose of this section the property of said person;
and the tax imposed by this section shall be due and payable
on the first day of June in each year, and shall be payable
within the month of June in each year.
SEC. 205. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners
of Anne Arundel County to provide the constables of the
county in their respective districts with suitable metal tags
having stamped on one side the number thereof, and on the
other side the year for which they are to be used, to be worn
on the necks of the dogs whose owners shall pay to the consta-
bles the said tax, and the said County Commissioners shall
provide the constables with blank receipts, in printed form,
which, when filled up, shall contain the name of the owner of
the dog, its sex, breed and color, with the number and date of
its tag, and the amount of tax collected, and the said County
Commissioners shall also provide said constables with blank
reports in printed form, to be made by the constables to the
County Commissioners, containing the facts required above, to
be given in the receipt from the constable to the owner upon
payment of the annual tax aforesaid; the cost of the metal
tags, blank receipts and blank reports shall be paid first out of
the fund arising from said tax. The County Commissioners
shall keep safely the reports from the constables, and the
County Treasurer shall receive and keep an accurate account of
all the tax funds paid to him by the constables as required by
this Act.
SEC. 206. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners
to designate a constable in each election district of Anne
Arundel County, whose duty it shall be in said district as soon
as possible after the first day of June in each year, to canvass
thoroughly the district in order to ascertain the number of
dogs, the owners of same, and also the other facts required of
the constables in the reports referred to in the preceding sec-
tion to the County Commissioners. Upon the payment of the
tax by the owner of a dog the constable shall give him a receipt
in the form in this Act prescribed, and also a tag to be worn by
the dog; and the constable shall report to the County Commis-
sioners on or before the first day of every month in the same
manner and form aforesaid, and shall at the same time pay
to the County Treasurer all the tax funds they have collected,
less twenty-five per centum of said amount for their services;
they shall also state in their monthly reports those who have
failed to pay the tax on their dogs as required by this Act,
and the number of dogs in their respective districts that have
come to their notice, without owners.