SEC. 207. If any constable shall neglect or refuse to perform
his duty as set forth in this Act, he shall be subject to prosecu-
tion for malfeasance in office and to removal from office.
SEC. 208. The County Treasurer shall place the tax so col-
lected to the credit of a fund to be called the "Dog Fund" of
Anne Arundel County, but if there remains in the County
Treasury to the credit of the "Dog Fund" on the first day of
January of each year, after the payment for the tags, blanks
and compensation to the constables for the killing of dogs, as
hereinafter provided, a sum more than sufficient to pay the
awards for damages for domestic fowls and animals made by
the County Commissioners prior to that date, such surplus
shall, upon the order of the County Commissioners, be paid to
the Board of County School Commissioners of Anne Arundel
County for the benefit of the public schools of said county;
and provided, further, that said "Dog Fund," as collected,
shall be entered and kept as collected from each of the election
districts of Anne Arundel County, and awards for damages
shall be paid out and accounted for in respect to each district,
and no fund collected from any particular district shall be
liable or applied to awards for damages in any other district.
SEC. 209. The County Commissioners shall direct the consta-
bles to kill any dog for which said tax is not paid before the
fifteenth day of July in each year, and for such service the
Commissioners may allow such compensation as they may
deem adequate, provided it be paid from the tax collected on
dogs and from the funds credited to the district in which the
dog is killed, and any person opposing or in any way hindering
any constable in killing any dog in performance of his duty
shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars nor less than
ten dollars and costs, upon conviction before any Justice of the
Peace in and for Anne Arundel County, and shall stand com-
mitted to the county jail until the fine and costs are paid;
provided, however, that the owner of dogs who resides in any
incorporated town in Anne Arundel County, in which dogs are
taxed by ordinance now or hereafter, shall be exempt from the
operation of this Act if he has procured a license from and
paid for the current year a tax on his dog in said town, and
his dog wears about his neck a tag issued by said town.
SEC. 210. Every person who shall maliciously remove from
any dog wearing the legal tag procured from the constable
shall, upon conviction thereof before any Justice of the Peace
of Anne Arundel County, pay a fine of five dollars and costs.
SEC. 211. In case of the loss of the tag issued by the county
constable, upon application to the County Treasurer by the
owners of the dog, a duplicate may be furnished on the pay-