by the Bank Commissioner. If such extension be not granted,
it must be sold at a private or public sale within one year there-
after. Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing
a bank or trust company from loaning moneys upon real estate
security as provided by law. Nothing in this section shall
affect the title to or holding by any trust company of any real
or leasehold estate now owned by said trust company, and
nothing herein shall affect the rights of trust companies to pur-
chase and hold land or real or leasehold estate as trustee or in
other fiduciary capacity.
55. Every bank and trust company shall make to the Bank
Commissioner not less than five reports during each calendar
year, at such times as the said Bank Commissioner shall re-
quire the same, according to the forms which he shall prescribe
and furnish. Such forms shall conform as nearly as practi-
cable to that required of national banks, including the sched-
ules. Such reports shall be signed and verified by the oath or
affirmation of either the president, cashier or treasurer of such
bank or trust company before a notary public. Such report
shall exhibit in detail and under proper heads the resources
and liabilities of the bank or trust company at the close of the
business of any past day by the Bank Commissioner specified,
and shall be transmitted to said Bank Commissioner within ten
days after the receipt of the request from him. Such reports
shall be published in a newspaper of the city or village or
county where such bank or trust company is located, in such
condensed form as may be prescribed by the Bank Commis-
sioner. Proof of said publication shall be furnished to the
said Bank Commissioner within fifteen days after the. receipt
of the aforesaid call. At least once in each year every bank
and trust company shall report to the Bank Commissioner on
call by him a list of its stockholders, their residences and the
amount of stock held by each, which report shall be signed and
verified by the oath and affirmation of one of the officers of
said bank or trust company. The Bank Commissioner shall
also have the power to call for special reports from any bank
or trust company whenever, in his judgment, the same is nec-
essary to inform him fully of the condition of the bank or trust
56. Every banking institution failing to make and transmit
to the Bank Commissioner any of the reports or proofs of
publication, as required by this Act, shall be subject, at the
discretion of the Bank Commissioner, to a forfeiture of fifty
($50) dollars for each day after the time required for making
such reports. Whenever any banking institution fails or re-
fuses to pay the forfeiture herein imposed for a failure to make