tion of business be subject to the inspection of the officers,
directors and stockholders of the bank or trust company. Such
book shall show the name and number of shares held by each
stockholder. A refusal by the officers of such bank or trust
company to exhibit such book to any person rightfully demand-
ing inspection thereof shall subject such officer to a forfeiture
of fifty dollars, which shall be collected by the Bank Commis-
sioner as a common debt. In all actions, suits and proceedings
such book shall be presumptive evidence of the facts therein
stated, and at all stockholders' meetings each share of stock
shall entitle the owner of record to one vote. A stockholder
may vote at any meeting of the stockholders by proxy.
53. Any bank or trust company may amend its articles of
association in any manner not inconsistent with the provisions
of law, at any time, by a vote of its stockholders representing
two-thirds of the capital stock, such vote to be taken at a meet-
ing called for that purpose. Such amendment, certified by the
president and cashier, or treasurer, shall be filed as required for
articles of incorporation. Unless the required surplus will
permit, no increase of capital shall be valid until the amount
thereof has been subscribed and actually paid in. No reduc-
tion of capital shall be made to a less amount than is required
under the provisions of this Act for capital, nor be valid nor
warrant the cancellation of stock certificates, or diminish the
personal liability of stockholders, until such reduction has
been approved by the Bank Commissioner. Such approval must
be based upon a finding by him that the remaining assets of
the bank or trust company, after such proposed reduction of
its capital stock, will be entirely sufficient for the payment of
the claims of existing creditors.
54. A bank or trust company may purchase, hold and con-
vey real estate for the following purposes only:
First. Such as shall be necessary for the convenient trans-
action of its business, including, with its banking offices, other
apartments in the same building, or on adjoining land, to rent
as a source of income.
Second. Such as shall be conveyed to it in satisfaction of
debts previously contracted in the course of its business.
Third. Such as it shall purchase at sale on judgments, de-
crees or mortgage foreclosures under securities held by it, but a
bank shall not bid at such a sale a larger amount than is neces-
sary to satisfy its debts and costs.
Fourrth. No real estate acquired in the cases contemplated in
the second and third subdivisions preceding shall be held for a
longer time than ten years, except when an extension is granted