reau of Chemistry, the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering and
the Bureau of Vital Statistics.
21B. The Bureau of Communicable Diseases shall secure
accurate and complete returns of communicable diseases in
Maryland; it shall examine into the prevalence and causes of
such diseases and devise means for their control; it shall ex-
amine into and investigate epidemics and nuisances and devise
means for their control; it shall publish monthly a bulletin for
health officers and perform such other duties and exercise such
other functions as the State Board of Health or the secretary
thereof shall designate.
21c. The Bureau of Bacteriology shall conduct inquiries
into the nature, source and vehicles of infectious diseases; it
shall establish and maintain, under the direction of the State
Board of Health, a properly equipped laboratory. The services
of the said bureau shall be free to all local boards of health
and to all practicing physicians of the State for such inquiries
concerning infectious and contagious diseases as the said
Board may from time to time direct, and to the Vaccine Agent
for testing vaccine virus; it shall examine into and analyze
public and private water supplies, milk and other foods, and
shall perform such other duties and exercise such other func-
2lD. The Bureau of Chemistry shall conduct inquiries into
the nature, source and vehicles of infectious diseases, and into
the nature and character of sewage, trades wastes, and into
nuisances. It shall examine and analyze free of cost, public
and private water supplies, milk and such other foods, drinks,
confectionery, drugs, spices and condiments as the Board shall
direct; it shall establish and maintain, under the direction of
the State Board of Health, a properly equipped laboratory,
and perform such other duties and exercise such other func-
tions as the State Board of Health or the secretary thereof
shall designate. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be
construed to repeal or interfere in any way whatsoever with
the operation of the Pure Food and Drug Act which is entitled
"An Act for preventing the manufacture or sale of adulter-
ated, misbranded, poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medi-
cines, waters, candies and liquors, and regulating traffic there-
in within the State of Maryland, and to provide for the punish-
ment of violations of its provisions and to appropriate an an-
nual sum of money for the purpose of enforcing this Act by
adding certain additional sections to Article 43, title 'Health,'
sub-title 'Adulteration of Food .and Drink,' of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland of 1904, and to be known as
140A, 140B, 140c, 140D, 140E, 140F, 140G, 140H, 140U, 140J, 140K,
140L, 140M, 140N, and 140o, and repeal Section 122, 123, 124,
140L, 140M, 140N, and 140o, and repeal Sections 221 and 222