and 125 of said Article 43 of the Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland of 1904, and also to repeal Section 221 and 222
of Article 27 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland
of 1904, title 'Crimes and Punishments,' sub-title 'Health, Dele-
terious Candy or CakeS," and in case of any conflict between
this Act and the said Pure Food and Drug Act the provisions
of the latter shall prevail and control.
2lE. The Bureau of Sanitary Engineering shall examine
into all public and private system of water supply and prepare
proper maps and drawings of the same for permanent record;
it shall examine and patrol as far as possible the watersheds
or catchment basins of all public water systems, and investi-
gate and report upon all sources of pollution of public and
private water supplies; it shall investigate and report upon
all private and public systems of sewage disposal; it shall in-
quire into and investigate the water supply, sewage disposal,
ventilation, heating and lighting of schools, asylums, jails and
other public institutions; it shall inquire into and investigate
offensive trades and nuisances, disposal of trades wastes, sew-
age and other offensive matters, and devise means for their con-
trol and perform such other duties and exercise such other
functions as the State Board of Health or the secretary thereof
shall designate.
2lF. The Bureau of Vital Statistics shall supervise the reg-
istration of births and deaths in the State of Maryland; it
shall receive, file and compile all such records, and shall tabu-
late and publish the same in such form as shall make them
most valuable in the public service; it shall perform such other
duties and exercise such other functions as the State Board of
Health or the secretary thereof shall designate.
21G. The State Board of Health is authorized and empow-
ered to appoint a chief and an assistant chief for each of the
bureaus hereinbefore provided, and to appoint such inspectors,
draughtsmen and employees as may be necessary in the execu-
tion of this Act. Such chiefs and assistant chiefs shall be men
of good technical education and ability, competent to properly
conduct their respective bureaus; they shall be appointed by
the Secretary of the State Board of Health by and with the
consent of the said Board, and the said Board is empowered to
fix: the compensation of said chiefs and assistant chiefs at an
annual salary of not less than fifteen hundred dollars, nor
more than twenty-four hundred dollars, for the said chiefs, and
an annual salary of not less than one thousand, nor more than
eighteen hundred dollars, for assistant chiefs; such chiefs and
assistant chiefs may be removed from office upon the recom-
mendation of the Secretary and a majority vote of the Board.
21H. For the purpose of this Act the State Board of Health