pealed and re-enacted by Chapter 161, Acts 1906, be and the
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments, so
as to read as follows:
SEC. 79. No person shall catch or in any manner take or
kill in the said waters thereof at any time any white or
yellow perch of any size less than seven inches in length, or
any pike less than fourteen inches in length, or any rock, other-
wise known as striped, bass, less than ten inches in length, or
any tailor less than eight inches in length, or white cat fish
under seven inches, or any sturgeon weighing less than twenty
pounds, or any rock weighing over twenty pounds, in spawning
season of April, May and June, measuring, in case of fish,
from the tip of the nose to the end of the caudal fin or tail,
excepting haul seines during the time between April first and
June twelfth.
SEC 83. No person shall at any time empty any seine or
net of any description whatsoever upon the beach, shore or
land bordering upon any of the waters of this State, or in the
waters bordering ou said beach, shore or land where the waters
is less than twelve inches in depth, except that in the waters
of the Chesapeake Bay, above Pooles Island, seines or nets
may be landed upon the shore or upon the flats; and no
person shall at any time so empty any such seine or net as to
leave to perish upon the beach, shore or land or upon any boat
or float, any white or yellow perch of any size less than seven
inches in length, or any rock fish, or striped bass, less than
ten inches in length, or any tailor of any size less than eight
inches in length, or any pike of any size less than fourteen
inches in length, measuring in each case for each one of .said
fish from the tip of the nose to the end of the caudal fin or tail,
or any sturgeon weighing less than twenty pounds, or any
rock weighing over twenty pounds, in spawning season of
April, May and June; but every person so using any seine or
net of any description, or hook and line, shall immediately cull
over and return to waters where the same is not less than
twelve inches deep, all of the aforesaid fish therein captured
of any size than the aforesaid lengths, or any sturgeon weigh-
ing less than twenty pounds; provided further, that nothing in
this section contained shall prevent anyone from capturing and
destroying in any manner, save only by the way prohibited by
Section 82 of this Act, any German carp, or leather carp, or
any carp of any description whatsoever, of any size.
85. No person shall, in this State, sell or expose for sale, or
buy any white perch, yellow perch, rock or striped bass, tailor
or pike under size mentioned in Section 83, or any sturgeon
under weight as limited in said section, where the fish so of-
fered for sale, or bought, contain over ten per cent, of fish un-