der size or weight, whether such fish so exposed for sale, sold
or bought shall have been caught, trapped or in any other man-
ner taken or killed in the State of Maryland or in any other
State or county, under penalty for exposing for sale, selling or
buying of such fish as provided in Sec. 83, for catching said un-
dersized fish, but nothing in this section contained shall be so
construed as to prevent any of the Fish Commissioners of this
State, in pursuance of their capacity as fish Culturist, or any
other person or corporation which shall first obtain a certifi-
cate in writing from the State Game Warden to the effect that
such persons or corporations are engaged in the scientific cul-
ture or propagation only; and to obtain said certificate said
persons or corporations must file with the State Game Warden
an application and affidavit to the truth and bona fides there-
of, made by the person or officers of the corporation requesting
the same, and taken before any officer competent to administer
an oath in this State, and said affidavit and application shall
be retained and kept on file by said State Game Warden.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the clerks of the Circuit
Courts of the counties and the clerk of the Superior Court of
Baltimore City, shall annually, on the first day of January of
each and every year, transmit to the Treasurer of this State all
moneys received by them for licenses, after deducting the fees
herein authorized; the said amount so received by the Treas-
urer shall be placed to the credit of a fund to be known as the
"State Game Protection Fund," and shall be disbursed by the
State Treasurer on warrants signed by the State Game War-
den, approved by the Governor and filed with the Comptroller,
who shall draw his warrant therefor on the Treasurer.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be unlaw-
ful to dynamite for fish in any waters of the State to catch fish,
also unlawful to have a fish pot in any of the waters of the
SEC. 4. Any person violating any of the sections of this Act
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof
shall be fined the sum of twenty-five dollars nor more than one
hundred dollars for each and every offense, and shall stand
committed to the county jail if said fine is not paid for one day
for each dollar of fine imposed, but not for a period of more
than sixty days. Any deputy game warden or constable or in-
former who shall procure a conviction under this Act shall be
entitled to the half fine received, and remaining half shall be
paid over to the State Treasurer to the account of the State
Game Protection Fund, to be used by the State Game Warden
for the protection of fish in waters of the State as may be pro-
vided by law.