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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 1021   View pdf image (33K)
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apply to the entertainments given for religious benefits or
charitable purposes nor to entertainments given by the resi-
dents of the town not for gain.

SEC. 32. The style of all ordinances shall be, be it enacted
and ordained by the Mayor and Common Council of Capitol
Heights, and all suits at law for the violations of any rules,
ordinances, regulations and by-laws, shall be instituted in
name of the Mayor and Common Council of Capitol Heights
against offending parties, and all fines recovered in such suits
at law for the breach of any rule, ordinance, regulation or by-
law of the corporation, before any justice of Prince George's
county, shall be collected by said justice and paid over to the
Mayor and Common Council every month, or oftener if re-
quired, of the amount so received by him.

SEC. 33. There shall be appointed annually by the Mayor
and Common Council in said town and in the same manner and
possessing the same qualifications as the Mayor, one person as
supervisor, whose duty it shall be to superintend the improve-
ments of the town and who shall perform such other duties as
The Mayor and Common Council may prescribe and he shall be
allowed such compensation as shall be fixed by them and in

case of a vacancy in the said office, a new appointment shall be
made and held as in the case of vacancies in* the office of the

SEC. 34. The County Commissioners of Prince George's
county shall annually pay to the Mayor and Common Council
of Capitol Heights when as collected, (but less the expenses of

collection) three-fourths of all taxes taxed for public roads or
property within the limits of said town, which shall be ex-
pended by the Mayor and Common Council in the repair and
improvements of streets and roads within the limits of said

Approved April 8, 1910.


AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Chapter 245
of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, Session of
1904, so as to prohibit the sale of liquor within a portion of
Prince George's county at or near Chesapeake Junction.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Chapter 245 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland, Session of 1904, be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted so as to read as follows: That from and after


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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 1021   View pdf image (33K)
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