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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 1020   View pdf image (33K)
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person found violating any town ordinance; and when it shall
appear that the offender is intoxicated may confine said of-
fender in some secure place until he is sober; and may provide
further for the confinement of any person arrested, if the time
be reasonable, as in the night, whereby he cannot attend the
justice until a reasonable hour of the succeeding morning,
when he shall be taken before a justice of the peace and dealt
with according to the nature of the offence; provided that such
person so arrested may deposit with the bailiff a sum of money
to cover any fine that may be assessed against him acceptable
to said bailiff.

SEC. 28. Justices of the Peace for Prince George's county
resident in the town are hereby declared to be conservators of
the peace of the town; and it shall be their duty to order the
arrest of any person found by them breaking the peace or dis-
turbing the quiet and order of the town, or violating any of the
ordinances made by the Mayor and Common Council for secur-
ing the safety of property or the lives of the inhabitants of the
town, and upon complaint made before them of the violation of
any ordinance of said town, shall issue process in the name of
the Mayor and Common Council of Capitol Heights, to recover
fine or penalty imposed for the violation of such ordinance
against the party offending, and may hear and determine the
matter as any case arising under the laws of this State, and
shall receive the same fees therefor; but in all such cases the
bailiff shall bring such complaint before a justice of the peace.

SEC. 29. In the event of a vacancy in the office of justice of
the peace residents in the town, or in case of sickness, or dis-
ability of the said justices, the hearing of the case or the trans-
action of the business assigned to said justices by this charter,
may be had before any other justice of the peace in and for
Prince George's county; and the Mayor and Common Council
of Capitol Heights may provide for the expense so incurred.

SEC. 30. The bailiff shall perform such serivces as said
Mayor and Common Council shall direct; he shall arrest and
carry before a justice of the peace of Prince George's county as
provided in the preceding section, to be dealt with as herein-
before provided, any person found breaking the peace or dis-
turbing the quiet of said town or violating any of the ordi-
nances made for securing the safety of the property or the
lives of the inhabitants of the town.

SEC. 31. The Mayor and Common Council shall have power
to impose a license upon all circuses, menageries, theatrical ex-
hibitions and other shows and exhibitions for gain exhibiting
within the limits of the town, not exceeding twenty dollars for
each show or exhibition, provided that this section shall not


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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 1020   View pdf image (33K)
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