than three public places in the town, and by two weekly inser-
tion, in at least one or not more than two newspapers, as the
Mayor shall designate, of the time and places where he will be
collecting and receiving the same; and after he has given the
notice as directed by this section and deliver the tax bills to
the parties in whose name they are assessed, or at their usual
place of abode, or on the premises, then as to all those who fail
to pay their taxes, on or before the same are due and in arrear
as prescribed by this section, it shall only be necessary for him,
after obtaining an order from the Mayor and Common Council
authorizing him to sell real or personal property, for the pay
ment of any taxes then remaining, due and unpaid, it being the
intent and meaning of this section to require all persons, body
politic and corporate, owing taxes to the town, to pay the same
to the treasurer at such place and time as he may designate in
said town..
SEC. 24. Upon receiving an order from the Mayor and Com-
mon Council to enforce the payment of unpaid taxes, he shall
leave with the parties by whom the taxes are to be paid or at
his usual place of abode or on the premises, if the party does
not reside in town, a statement showing the amount of taxes
due thereon, with a notice thereto annexed, that unless the
taxes are paid within thirty days thereafter he will proceed by
way of distress or levy to collect the same.
SEC. 25. The Mayor and Common Council of Capitol
Heights may purchase and hold any property, real, personal
or mixed, for town purposes and dispose of the same for the
benefit of said town, and may erect suitable buildings for mu-
nicipal purposes, the cost of any one building not to exceed two
thousand dollars...
SEC. 26. And the Mayor and Common Council shall deliver
to the purchaser at any tax sale as heretofore provided for the
collection of taxes a deed of the real property to be sold, and
the said deed shall convey to the purchaser the said property,
and shall be presumptive evidence that all the requirements of
the law have been complied with in making such sale and deed;
but the delinquent taxpayer shall have the right to redeem at
any time within two years by paying the unpaid tax and costs,
with legal interest and penalty of ten per cent, thereon. Sec-
tion 35 is applicable only where property is sold at public auc-
tion, after giving at least ten days' public notice of said sale
in at least one and not more than two newspapers to be desig-
nated by the Mayor of Capitol Heights and by notices posted
in at least three public places in said town.
SEC. 27. The Mayor and Common Council may provide by
ordinance for the immediate arrest without warrant of any