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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 1016   View pdf image (33K)
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offender to some place of confinement as provided in the suc-
ceeding section for a period of not exceeding thirty days, and
may pass all ordinances necessary to give effect and operation
to the power vested in them.

SEC. xviA. They may provide by ordinance for the good
government of the town, for the preservation of peace and or-
der therein, and for securing to the residents of said town all
the rights of persons and property to which they are by law en-
titled : for surveying, grading, paving, repairing draining, lay-
ing out, extending, widening, opening, closing, straightening or
relocating streets, sidewalks or alleys in said town, and may
condemn or purchase the right of way for any street or alley
which they may determine shall be opened for the public good;
for removal or obstructions from streets, lanes and alleys, for
-establishing building lines and building regulations; for pro-
hibiting the discharge of fire-crackers, torpeodes aand other ex-
plosives : for preventing swine, cattle, fowls, dogs or other ani-
mals from running at large on the streets; for the suppression
of gambling, vice or immorality; for apprehending and pun-
ishing all tramps and vagrants; and they shall pass all ordi-
nances necessary from time to time to carry out and enforce
the foregoing provisions, and give full force and effect to the
power and authority conferred on said corporations, and they
may enforce such ordinances by reasonable fines and penalties
not exceeding twenty-five dollars in any one case, as may ap-
pear to them right; they may recover said fine or penalty by
an action of "Debt", and in addition thereto may imprison the
offender until the fine be paid, not exceeding thirty days, such
imprisonment to be in the town lockup if one be provided, or in
the county jail, and the sheriff of Prince George's comity shall
receive and confine any person so committed.

SEC. XVIB. And they may pass such ordinances as shall be
necessary and proper for the preservation of the health of the
town, and remove all nuisances from and prohibit all business
within the corporate limits as shall in their opinion injuriously
affect the sanitary condition thereof.

SEC. XVIC. They may provide for levying and collecting an-
nually a tax of one .dollar on every dog, and two dollars on
every bitch, and for killing every dog and bitch whose owner
shall refuse to pay said tax or who shall fail to pay the same
within one month from the time he shall be called upon there-

SEC. XVID. That all sidewalks on any of the streets of said
town shall be not less than four feet in width and of such mate-
rial as the Mayor and Common Council may direct, and they
may assess upon the land abutting said sidewalk two-thirds of


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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 1016   View pdf image (33K)
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