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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 1015   View pdf image (33K)
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ser ted in at least one and not more than two newspapers pub-
lished in said county, and if there be such a paper or papers
published, and if not so published, then by notice posted in
three public places in said town, of the name and place of meet-
ing for the purpose of executing their commission; and they
shall, within ten days after such valuation or "assessment, re-
turn the same in writing under their hands and seals with a
certificate of their qualifications before a justice of the peace,
as hereinbefore provided, to the Mayor and Common Council
of the town, which said valuation and assessment shall be rati-
fied or rejected by them as their judgment may deem proper;
and if any person shall feel aggrieved by the determination of
the Mayor and Common Council in ratifying or rejecting said
award or return, or in the amount of compensation awarded, or
in any matter relating to the same, he may appeal within sixty,
days after said ratification or rejection to the Circuit Court for
Prince George's County, and either party may be entitled to a
trial by jury, and the judgment of said Court shall be final
between the parties; provided, that the person taking the ap-
peal shall within twenty days thereafter cause to be delivered
to the Clerk of the Circuit Court the award filed with the said
Mayor and Common Council, together with a copy of the order
of the said Mayor and Common Council ratifying or rejecting
the same, and all other papers relating thereto ; but this section
shall not be construed or taken to deprive or deny the right of
the Mayor and Common Council of Capitol Heights to accept
any streets or alleys which may be opened or dedicated by the
owner of the ground in said street or alleys for the use of the
public, but the same shall be deemed streets and alleys, whether
heretofore or hereafter for public use without proceeding in the
manner indicated in this section, but no street or alley given
or dedicated shall be considered to be under the control or be
kept in repair by the Mayor and Common Council and at their
expense, unless heretofore or hereafter accepted by them, and
the said Mayor and Common Council may enact all ordinances
from time to time not contrary to law necessary and proper to
exercise the power granted in this section; provided, that be-
fore opening or condemning any street or alley at least twenty
days' notice shall be given by them of any application which
may be made for the passage of any such ordinance by notice
posted in at least three public places, and by two weekly inser-
tions in at least one and not more than two newspapers pub-
lished in Prince George's county."

SEC. 10. They may impose such fines, penalties and forfeit-
ures for breach of their ordinances as ther may think proper,
not exceeding ten dollars for any one offense, and for non-pay-
ment of such fines, penalties and forfeitures may commit the


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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 1015   View pdf image (33K)
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