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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 1017   View pdf image (33K)
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the cost thereof, which assessment shall be a Hen upon such
abutting property, and be recovered from the owners of such
abutting property in the name of the corporation as others of
like amount are recoverable in this State by law.

SEC. xviE. And they shall by ordinance provide for the
codification of all ordinances which have been or may be passed
and for the printing of such codifications therefor, and the
printed ordinances so issued by the authority of the Mayor and
Common Council may be read in evidence from the printed

SEC. xvii. They may provide for and take care of all per-
sons suffering from accidents, sickness or physical or mental
infirmity and who are unable to take care of themselves, and
if deemed necessary may send them to the Almshouse of Prince
George's county, in which case all expenses so incurred shall
be repaid to the Mayor and Common Council of the town by
the County Commissioners, who are authorized and required
to levy annually such amount as may be necessary for reim-
bursemen t thereof, and to issue warrants for such purpose pay-
able to the Mayor and Common Council of said town.

SEC. xviii. At election to be held under the provisions of
this Act on the first .Monday in May, and every two years
thereafter, there shall be one person elected as treasurer of
said town, who shall possess the same qualifications as the
Mayor, to serve for two years, and until his successor is
elected and qualified, whose duty it shall be to keep an ac-
count of the receipts and disbursements of the corporation in
a well bound book to be provided by the Mayor and Common
Council and all moneys so received by him, and the said bond
shall be recorded among the records of the said corporation;
and said treasurer shall qualify and enter upon the duties of
his office on or before the first Monday in June succeeding his
election, and a failure to qualify within the time herein
specified shall be deemed a refusal to accept the office, in
which case, as in the case of his death, resignation or refusal
to act some person having the qualification referred to above
shall be elected in his place and stead, by the Mayor and a
majority vote of all the Common Councilmen elected; pro-
vided that at the expiration of the first year of the term of the
said treasurer and before the tax bills for the next year are
placed in his hands, he shall make a full and complete settle-
ment of all money received by him and shall report the amount
of and return all bills for taxes which are delinquent tax
bills and insolvencies as provided herein, he shall be relieved
of the amount so charged against him, and the amount of said
bill shall at the beginning of the second year of said term be


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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 1017   View pdf image (33K)
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