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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 1014   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 13. There shall be appointed annually in the same
manner and possessing the same qualifications as the Mayor,
one or more persons as bailiffs of said town, whose duty it shall
be to preserve the peace and good order of the town, and for
this purpose the said bailiff or bailiffs are hereby vested with
the same power and authority now possessed by constables
under the law of this State, and bailiff or bailiffs shall take the
required oath and enter upon his duties on the second Monday
of May in each year.

SEC. 14. The bailiff or bailiffs shall have the same fees for
making arrests and serving process for any violation of any
ordinance of the Commissioners of Capitol Heights, or Mayor
and Common Council, as are allowed constables for similar
services, and such other compensation as the Mayor and Coun-
cilmen shall fix, and all other officers of the corporation before
entering upon the duties of their office shall take an oath before
a Justice of the Peace within the limits of said corporation
that they will diligently and faithfully, to the best of their
judgment and ability, discharge the duties of their office, with-
out favor, partiality or prejudice, and shall file the certificate
of the officer before whom the same was taken among the rec-
ords of the corporation.

SEC. 15. The clerk and bailiff or bailiffs shall give bond
payable to the Mayor and Common Council in such penalty
and with security as the Mayor and Common Council may re-
quire, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties
of the office of clerk and bailiff, and the Mayor and Common
Council may pass ordinances forbidding any person from car-
rying firearms or other concealed weapons, and such other ordi-
nances not contrary to law as they may deem proper and bene-
licial to the town; may restrain and remove nuisances; may
open and close streets, straighten and widen the same and
improve the same; make crossways, establish the width and
grade of sidewalks, and pave and set out shade trees thereon,
and all damage done, suffered and incurred by opening, clos-
ing, straightening or widening said streets or alleys, and any
benefits oi advantages accruing to any person by such opening
shall be assessed and determined by three disinterested per-
sons, residents of said town, to be appointed by the Mayor and
Common Council, who shall within twenty days after notifica-
tion of their appointment take an oath before a justice of the
peace within said town that they will faithfully, fairly and
without partiality or prejudice value and assess the loss and
damage to be suffered and incurred by and the benefits to ac-
crue to any person interested in the property over which the
streets or alleys are to be opened, closed, straightened or wid-
ened, and they shall give at least ten days' notice by notice in-


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Session Laws, 1910 Session
Volume 487, Page 1014   View pdf image (33K)
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