remove from the town or be otherwise disqualified, an election
to fill the vacancy on ten days' notice thereof being given by
the Mayor or Council shall be held, at which all persons
qualified as heretofore described shall be entitled to vote. The
Common Council shall be the judge of the qualifications of itf
own members and may provide by ordinance for contested elec-
SEC. 12. There shall be annually appointed by the Mayor
and Common Council three assessors, who shall possess the
qualifications required of the Mayor to constitute a Board of
Assessors, the duty of which board it shall be after each asses-
sor has taken an oath to faithfully, honestly and impartially
perform their duties as assessors, to assess annually before
each annual levy of taxes upon the same and within such time
as the Mayor and Council shall fix, each and every piece of land
separately with the improvements thereon, within said town at
a fair cash value at public sale, as near as they may be able to
determine the same, and they shall set out in said assessment
in the case of land each piece of land, and the improvements
thereon separately with the assessed value thereof and pie
name of the owner thereof when the name can be obtained, and
in case of personal property the assessed value in the name of
the owner thereof; and said assessors shall receive for their
services in this behalf such reasonable compensation as may be
fixed by the Mayor and Common Council before assessment by
law. Immediately upon the completion of said assessment the
Board of Assessors shall give notice of the fact to the Mayor,
who in turn shall give a public notice thereof by publication
in at. least one and not more than two newspapers, as the
Mayor and Common Council shall direct, by three weekly in-
sertions therein; said assessments shall thereupon be open for
inspection to all the citizens of the said town, and if any owner
of said property so assessed shall feel aggrieved by said assess-
ment, he may appeal to the Mayor of said town fifteen days
after the publication of notice herein required, and said Mayor
and Councilmen are hereby constituted a final board of appeal
and equalization of such assessment, and as such are empow-
ered to make such deductions from and additions to the assess-
ment made by the Board of assessors as may be reasonable and
just and for the purpose of equalization, and they may also re-
mit taxes where the same have been illegally imposed. Upon
the perfection and final completion of the assessment rolls the
Mayor and Council shall levy a tax upon all property embraced
therein not exceeding twenty-five cents per annum per hundred
dollars the valuation thereof, and shall give to the treasurer
their warrant for the collection thereof, and such tax shall
thereupon be collected as herein provided.