the same, respectively, shall be annexed to the polls, and the
Mayor and Common Council of Capitol Heights are vested with
power and authority to pass all ordinances, necessary and
proper in respect to the manner of making election returns,
and provide what shall be done on the failure of the judges of
election to attend at the time appointed for holding an elec-
tion and for the manner and time of destroying all election re-
SEC. 9. The Mayor and Common Council shall qualify and
take possession of these offices respectively on the second Wed-
nesday, in each and every year, and the failure to qualify with-
in the time prescribed shall be deemed a refused by the party
failing to qualify to accept the office, whereupon a new election
shall be proclaimed to fill the vacancy thereby occasioned.
SEC. 10. The Mayor of the town of Capitol Heights shall be
the executive officer thereof, clothed with all the power neces-
sary to secure the enforcement of all ordinances passed by the
Council of said town under the charter, he may convene the
Council when in his opinion the public good may require it,
and shall from time to time lay before them in writing such
proposed alterations in the laws of the corporation as he may
deem necessary and proper, in case of his death, resignation,
inability or refusal to serve, or removal from the town, the
Common Council shall elect some citizen of the town to act in
his place until his successor is elected or the disability is re-
moved, the Mayor shall have the power to veto any ordinance,
law or regulation passed by the Council, and unless said veto
is overruled by a two-third vote of all the councilmen elected,
said veto shall stand, and such ordinance, law or regulation of
the said Council with or without his approval therefor, and if
without his approval, shall give his reason therefor in writing
within thirty days after receipt thereof by him, or such ordi-
nance, law or regulation shall be considered to have been passed
and shall then in all respects become valid without his ap-
SEC. 11. The Common Council shall meet upon the Monday
next succeeding their election and after qualifying by taking
the prescribed oath proceed to elect one of the number of the
Council as president; said Council shall meet on the second
Monday of each month for the transaction of the regular busi-
ness of the town, but may meet oftener if required; at all meet-
ings of the Council four members present and voting shall con-
stitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and a major-
ity vote of all members elected shall be necessary for the pas-
sage of any ordinance, law or regulation; during the term of
said Mayor or Councilmen, if any of them should die, resign or