tion signed by town electors equal in number to at least twenty-
five per centum of the entire vote cast for all candidates for
Mayor at the last preceding general town election, be submitted
as provided in sub-section (b), Section 22 of this charter.
SEC. 25. And be it further enacted, That this charter shall
not become effective unless it shall be submitted to the voters
living within the prescribed limits of said town of Mount
Rainier, as set forth in Section 2 of this Act, and accepted by
a majority of said voters at an election to be held for the pur-
pose on a day within two weeks of the passage of the said
charter by the Legislature.
SEC. 26. And be it further enacted, That all duly qualified
voters living within the limits of said town of Mt. Rainier for
three hundred and sixty days next preceding the date of the
passage of this Act, who are entitled to vote under Section 3
of this Act or who will be entitled to vote at the next general
election, or who have previous to the passage of this Act de-
clared their intentions of becoming citizens of this State, shall
be entitled to vote at an election to be held two weeks the pas-
sage of this Act for the ratification of this charter, and for the
election of town officers to be held on the first Monday of May,
SEC. 27. And be it further enacted, That William S. Rogers,
Maurice Stallings and C. M. Mattingly shall be appointed
judges, and Perry Boswell and Charles Piggott shall be ap-
pointed clerks of election for the ratification of this charter
and for the election of town officers to be held on the first Mon-
day in May, 1910, and they are hereby authorized and empow-
ered to prepare such ballots, provide such polling places and to
do other things necessary for the holding of the election for the
ratification of this charter and for the election of town officers
after the election held for the purpose of ratification of this
charter the judges and clerks aforesaid, after a canvass of the
vote, shall publicly announce the vote cast on the question and
if there has been a majority of votes cast for the ratification of
this charter it shall be in full force and effect, if the majority
of votes are found to be cast against the ratification of this
charter it shall be null and void and provided further if the
said charter is adopted and the election provided for on the
first Monday in May is held for the election of a Mayor and
for Councilmen, the candidate for Mayor receiving the largest
number of votes shall be declared elected Mayor and the four
candidates receiving the largest number of votes for Council
men shall be declared elected. In the event of a vacancy caused
by death or inability to serve of either the judge or clerks above
named then supervisors are hereby authorized and empowered
to appoint a successor.