SEC. 28. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1910.
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Capitol Heights, Prince
George's county, State of Maryland, and to create therein a
governing body by the name and style of Mayor and Common
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That an
Act to incorporate the town of Capitol Heights, Prince George's
county, Maryland, be as follows:
SECTION 1. The citizens of the town of Capitol Heights,
Prince George's county, Maryland, are hereby made a body
corporate by the name and style of the Mayor and Common
Council, and by that name may have perpetual succession, sue
and be sued, and have and use a common seal.
SEC. 2. The corporate limits of said town shall be as record
ed according to plat of Otnay B. Zantzinger sub-division known
as Capitol Heights recorded in Liber J. N. B. No. 5, folios 676
and 677, one of the land records of Prince George's county,
SEC. 3. The government of said town shall be after the next
election, vested in a Mayor and Councilmen to be elected as
hereinafter provided.
SEC. 4. The male citizens of said town of the age of twenty
one years and upwards, who shall possess the qualifications of
legally registered voters of this State, and who shall have re-
sided in said town for the space of six months next preceding
the first Monday in May, shall select on that day at such place
as shall be selected for the holding of elections, one person, a
legal voter of said town, who has resided therein for two years
at least next preceding the election, to be Mayor of said town,
and six persons in the ward herein provided for, who shall
possess the same qualifications and be residents of the ward for
which they shall be chosen by the voters of said ward to be
Common Councilmen of the said town; and annually there-
after on the first Monday of May, such citizens shall select one
person having the qualifications above described to be Mayor,
provided, that three of such councilmen shall at the first elec-
tion held under the provisions of this section, be elected for
the term of two years, such persons to be voted for upon a
ticket to be designated "to serve for two years," and three per-