pealed or amended except by a vote of the people. Any number
of proposed ordinances may be voted upon at the same election,
but there shall not be more than one special election in any
period of six months for such purpose; the Council may sub-
mit a proposition to repeal or amend any such ordinance, to
be voted upon at any succeeding general town election, and
should such proposition so submitted receive a majority of the
votes cast thereon, such ordinance shall thereby be repealed or
amended accordingly. Whenever any ordinance or proposition
is required by this charter to be submitted to the voters at any
election, the town clerk shall cause its publication in news-
papers published or circulated in the town not more than
twenty or less than five days before submission to the voters.
SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That it shall be unlawful for
any person, firm or corporation, to manufacture or sell, in any
.manner, any malt or spirituous or intoxicating liquors of any-
kind or description, within the corporate limits of Mount
Rainier as above described, and if any person, firm or corpora-
tion shall be found guilty of so selling or manufacturing any
:such malt or liquors within such corporate limits, he or they
shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dol-
lars or three months' imprisonment for the first offense, and
for each subsequent offense, he or they shall be punished by
both such fine and imprisonment.
SEC. 24. No ordinance passed by the council, except when
otherwise required by the general laws of the State, or by the
provisions of this charter, except an ordinance for the imme-
diate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, which
contain a statement of its urgency, and is passed by a four-
fifths vote of the entire council, shall go into effect before ten
days from the date of its final passage; and if during said ten
days a petition signed by town electors equal in number to at
least twenty-five per ventum of the entire vote cast for all can-
didates for Mayor at the last preceding general town election,
protesting against the passage of such ordinance, be presented
to the council, the same shall thereupon be suspended from
going into operation, and it shall be the duty of the council to
reconsider such ordinance; and if the same is not entirely re-
pealed, the council shall submit the ordinance as is provided
by sub-section (b) of Section 22 of this Charter, and such ordi-
nance shall not become operative unless a majority of the qual-
ified electors voting on the same shall vote in favor thereof.
Amendments to this charter, except such as affect the power
of the Mayor and Common Council to levy taxes sufficient to
meet the town necessities, and subject to the Constitution and
General Laws of the State and the Public Local Laws of
Prince George's county, other than this Act, shall, upon a peti-