day of election and of the convening of the Mayor and Com-
mon Council as provided in Section five.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the Mayor, with the advice
and consent of the Council, shall appoint one person, a legal
voter in said town, who shall serve as town clerk and treas-
urer. But before said clerk and treasurer shall enter upon his
duties, he shall give bond, payable to the Mayor of Mount Rai-
nier, in such sum as the Mayor and Common Council may fix
with securities, to be approved by them. The treasurer shall
make all collections of taxes and receive all money paid for the
use and benefit of said corporation; he shall keep an account of
the receipts and disbursements of the funds of the corporation,
and shall render quarterly statements to the Mayor and Com-
mon Council, or oftener when required by them, for all moneys
received by him, and shall promptly disburse on the order of
the Mayor and Common Council, under regulations as they
may prescribe, all sums of money so received by him; such
statements to be printed in some newspaper published or cir-
culated in the town limits; he shall receive for his services five
per cent, of the collection, and in addition such remuneration
as town clerk as the council may provide. The assessor shall
make an assessment annually'of all property, assessing sepa-
rately land improvements and personal property, including
franchises, at a fair cash value at public sale, as near as they
may be able to determine the same. The said Mayor and
Common Council shall provide by ordinance for hearing ap-
peals from any assessment that may be made.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That the Mayor and Common
Council may annually appoint such town officials as they may
deem necessary at such compensation as they may think proper.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council may provide by ordinance for the good government of
the town, for the preservation of peace and good order there-
in, and prohibit all such businesses or occupations within the
corporation limits thereof as shall in their opinion injuriously
affect the sanitary conditions thereof, and for securing to the
residents of said town all rights of persons and property to
which they are by law entitled, for the surveying, grading,
paving, lighting, repairing, draining, laying out, extending,
opening, closing, straightening or relocating any of the streets,
sidewalks or alleys in said town, and may condemn or pur-
chase the right of way for any street or alley which it may
determine shall be opened for the public good, the process of
condemnation to conform so far as may be, to the condemna-
tion of property for roadways by the Commissioners of Prince
George's County, as authorized by law for the removal of
nuisances; for the removal of obstructions from streets, lanes