a Councilman in debate and vote. He shall have no power to-
veto any measure, but every resolution or ordinance passed by
the Council must be signed by the Mayor, or by two Council-
men, and be recorded, before the same shall be enforced. The
Council may elect one of their number as ch'airman pro tem.,
who shall in the absence or inability of the Mayor preside at the
sessions. Special meetings of the Council may at any time
be convened by the Mayor, or at the request of three members
of that body the Mayor of the town of Mt. Rainier shall be the
executive officer therefor, clothed with all the powers necessary
to secure the enforcement of all ordinances of said town under
this charter. At all meetings of the Mayor and Common Coun-
cil, the Mayor and two Councilmen, or in the absence of the
Mayor the Councilmen, present and voting shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business, and three affirmative
votes shall be necessary for the passage of an ordinance, law,
or resolution, at all times. No ordinance shall be passed by
the Council except at stated public meetings. Upon every vote
the yeas and nays shall be called and recorded, and every mo-
tion, resolution or ordinance, shall be reduced to writing and
read before the vote is taken thereon.
SEC. o. And be it enacted, That the elections hereunder
shall be held at such places as the Mayor and Common Council
of Mt. Rainier shall designate, after at least ten days' public
notice of the .same given by them and three judges and clerks
to conduct the same shall be designated and appointed by
them at least two days prior thereto. The polls shall be kept
open at such places as the Council may designate, from 7
o'clock A. M. to 6 o'clock P. M. of the day of election, when
they shall be closed and the ballots publicly counted, and the
said judges shall within two days after the election make a
true and correct return of the same under their hands, to be
addressed and transmitted to the Mayor, who shall convene
the Common Council on the second Monday of May after the
election to receive said returns. At said meetings the returns
shall be opened by the presiding officer and certificates of elec-
tion shall be forthwith issued by the clerks to the Mayor and
Councilmen, the qualified persons appearing to be elected as
such officers by having received the highest number of votes.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if at any election it shall
appear from the returns of the judges of election that any two
or more persons voted for as Mayor or Councilmen have re-
ceived the same number of votes, in such manner that there is
no choice for the office, a new election shall be immediately
proclaimed by the Mayor and Common Council, under the
hand of the Mayor to fill the vacancy, which election shall be
held on ten days' notice, and in all respects except as to the