cilmen shall, during their term of office, hold or be interested
in any other office under the corporation, or be a party, directly
or indirectly, in any contract to which the corporation is a
party; the town clerk shall appoint, in a period not less than
thirty and not more than forty days before the general town
election, three days of registration, on which days duly quali-
fied voters shall register their names, addresses, and occupa-
tion, at such time place as the town clerk may prescribe; pro-
vided, that on at least two of those days registration may be
made between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock P. M. Only such
voters as have duly registered shall be entitled to vote at the
general town election; any person desiring to become a candi-
date for Mayor or Councilman shall, at least ten days prior to
said election, file with the town clerk a statement of such
candidacy, accompanied by a petition signed by at least twenty
duly qualified electors, requesting such candidacy; provided
that the candidate for Councilmen from each ward shall se-
cure a majority of said petitioners within the limits of their
respective wards; each petition shall be verified by one or more
persons, as to qualifications and residence of each of the
signers- of said petition. Immediately upon the expiration Of
the time of filing petitions, the town clerk shall cause to be
published in one or more newspapers published or circulated
in the town the names of all candidates as they are to appear
upon the ballots, and said clerk shall thereupon cause the lots
to be printed", authenticated with a fac-simile of his signature
upon the said ballot, the names of all candidates for Mayor,
arranged alphabetically, immediately below the words vote for
one shall first be placed with a square at the left of each name.
Following these names shall appear the names of the candi-
dates for Councilmen in all wards. The wards must be ar-
ranged in their numerical order and the names of the candi-
dates for Councilmen must be arranged in alphabetical order
in their respective words. Immediately following the election,
the town clerk shall canvass the returns thereof, and cause the
result to be published in the usual manner. Said canvass by
the town clerk shall be publicly made; provided, that for the
first election held under this charter William H. Vanneman
shall act as town clerk.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Mayor and Council-
men elected hereunder shall meet on the first Monday after
their election, when they shall qualify; they shall hold stated
monthly meetings, which shall be open to the public, and meet
as often as is necessary to a proper discharge of their official
duties. The Mayor and Common Council shall receive no pay
for their serivces. The Mayor shall be president of the Council
and preside at its meetings, and shall have all the privileges of