Each ward to be represented by a councilman resident of
said ward who shall be voted for only by the voters residing in
the ward he is to represent.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all male citizens of the said
town of twenty-one years of age or over, who have actually
resided in said town for a space of 365 days next preceding the
next Monday in May, 1910, and who have never been convicted
of any infamous crime under the laws of the State of Mary-
land, and who shall come within any one of the three following
classes of male citizens: (1) All duly authorized citizens (2)
and male children of naturalized citizens who have reached the
age of 21 years (3) all citizens who prior to January 1st, 1868,
were entitled to vote in the State of Maryland or any other
State of the United States at a State election, and the lawful
male descedants of any person who prior to January 1st, 1868r
was entitled to rote in this State or in any other State of the
United States at a State election, and no person not coming
within one of the three enumerated classes shall be registered
as a legal voter and entitled to vote at any municipal election
held in said town of Mount Rainier, Maryland, shall elect on
the first Monday in May, 1910, at such place as shall be selected
for the holding of elections, one person, a legal voter of said
town, who has resided therein for two years at least next pre-
ceding the election to be Mayor of said town, and four persons
who possess the same qualification one from each ward who
shall be voted for only by the voters residing in the ward he is
to represent, to be Common Councilmen of said town, and there-
after annually, on the first Monday in May, such citizens, with
the above qualifications, shall elect one person having the qual-
ifications above described to be Mayor, provided, that two of
said Councilmen shall at the first election held under the pro-
visions of this section, be elected to serve one year and two to
serve two years, terms of office to be decided by casting of lots
and thereafter two Councilmen to be elected each year who shall
serve two years. If any vacancy occurs in the office of Council-
man the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the remaining
members of said Council, shall appoint a person to fill such
vacancy during the balance of the unexpired term. In case of
a vacancy in the office of Mayor a special election shall be
ordered by the Common Council to be held within thirty days
after publication of such order, for the purpose of electing a
person to fill such vacancy. No person shall be eligible as
Mayor or Councilman of said town unless he be the owner of
real estate in said town, in his own name, to the amount of
$500, and shall so remain during his term of office, and his
term of office shall terminate upon his removal of residence
from the town limits. Neither the Mayor nor any of the Coun-