59. To the deed from John Ayd to the Most Reverend
James Cardinal Gibbons, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Bal-
timore for the time being, and his successors in the Archiepiso-
pal See of Baltimore, according to the discipline and govern-
ment of the Roman Catholic Church, a corporation sole, dated
November 30th, 1917, and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3173, folio 257, etc.
60. To the sale and deed for a certain lot of ground sit-
uated in Baltimore County at the south corner of Walnut and
Third avenues, on the plat of Rognel, recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore County in Plat Book J. W. S.
No. 1, folio 191, and described in a deed dated November 20,
1917, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
County in Liber W. P. C. No. 448, folio 432, &c., from
Cyrus N. Robinson and Ida E. Robinson, his wife, to the
"Rognel Heights Methodist Episcopal Church."
61. To the gift, devise or bequest contained in the last
Will and Testament of Sophie T. Bacon, late of Frederick
County, State of Maryland, deceased, to John S. Newman,
Trustee, of the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, the income to
be paid to Jane R. Haseltine during her life, and at her death,
should she leave any child or children, one-h,alf of the trust
fund to be paid to such child or children, and the remaining
one-half to the Diocese of Maryland, Protestant Episcopal
Church, for the aged and infirm clergy in said Diocese of
Maryland, and in the event of death of said Jane R. Haseltine
without leaving child or children, then the whole Five Thou-
sand Dollars to be paid to the said Diocese of Maryland,
Protestant Episcopal Church, for the uses above named, which
said Will is of record in the office of the Register of Wills for
Frederick County in Liber S. T. D. No. 1, folio 519, &c.
62. To the bequest to the First Church of Christ, Scientist,
of Baltimore City, a corporation, as contained in the Last
Will and Testament of Juliet Sewell Baldwin, deceased, dated
February 1st, 1915, and recorded in the office of the Register
of Wills W. P. C. No. 19, folio 158.
63. To the sale, grant and assignment from Edward C.
Gisriel to "The Exeter Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church,"
a body corporate, said grant and assignment bearing date of
January 30th, 1918, and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City on March llth, 1918, said property being
known as No. 509 North Milton avenue.