53. To the deed from Mary E. B. Purnell to the Lutheran
Church Extension Society of Baltimore City, dated September
26th, 1916, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more City, in Liber S. C. L. No. 3078, folio 81, etc.
54. To the deed from the Board of Home Missions of the
General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the
United States and others, to the Board of Foreign Missions of
the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the
United States, dated January 19th, 1918, and recorded among
the Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber S. C. L. No.
3188, folio 139.
55. To the deed of Louis S. Ashman and Olga Ashman, his
wife, to The Tzemach Sedek Musach Hoarrie Hebrew Con-
gregation of Baltimore City, a corporation, dated February
2nd, 1912, and recorded among the Land Records of Balti-
more City in Liber S. C. L. No. 2716, folio 570, &c.
56. To the deed from George E. Wickers and Margaret E.
Wickers, his wife, to the Trustees of the Garrett Park Metho-
dist Episcopal Church of the City of Baltimore, a corpora-
tion, dated July 21st, 1916, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3063, folio
423, &c.
57. To the two deeds from the Most Reverend James Car-
dinal Gibbons, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore for
the time being and his successors in the Archiepiscopal See
of Baltimore, according to the discipline and government of
the Roman Catholic Church, a corporation sole, to The Fran-
ciscan Fathers Minor Conventuals of Saint Stanislaus' Church
of Baltimore City, incorporated, a corporation, dated July
10, 1917, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore
City in Liber S. C. L. 3142, folio 350, etc.; and the other
dated July 10th, 1917, and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore County in Liber W. P. C. No. 482, folio 448,
58. To a deed from The Redemptorists, a corporation, to
the Most Reverend James Cardinal Gibbons, Roman Catholic
Archbishop of Baltimore for the time being, and his successors
in the Archiepiscopal See of Baltimore, according to the dis-
cipline and government of the Roman Catholic Church, a cor-
poration sole, dated July 2, 1917, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3140,
folio 424, etc.