17. To the bequest under the Will of Samuel Rosenthal,,
deceased, which is recorded in the office of the Register of
Wills of Baltimore City, of one thousand thousand dollars to
Oheb Shalom Congregation of Baltimore City, under the con-
ditions named in said Will.
18. To the bequest of one hundred dollars to the Walbrook
Presbyterian Church under the Will of Anna Chappell Lewis,
which is recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of
Baltimore City.
19. To the devises and bequests under the Will of John J.
Egan, recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of Balti-
more City in "Wills," Liber H. W. J. 127, folio 397, &c., to
James Cardinal Gibbons, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Bal-
timore for the time being and his successors in the Archiepis-
copal See of Baltimore, and to the Associated -Professors of
Loyola College of the City of Baltimore.
20. To the gifts under the Will of John Stinson, deceased,
recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore
City, to the First United Presbyterian Congregation of Balti-
more, Maryland.
21. To the gifts under the will of Alberta Luise Field,
recorded in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore
City in "Wills," Liber H. W. J. 125 folio 52, &c., to the
Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese
of Maryland.
22. To the gift to The Convention of the Protestant Epis1-
copal Church of the Diocese of Maryland under the Declara-
tion of Trust of Safe Deposit and Trust Company of Balti-
more, dated November 12th, 1906, of the Anna Austin McCul-
loh Memorial Association Fund.
23. To the Conveyance of George C. Jenkins and wife and
Joseph W. Jenkins, Jr., to James Cardinal Gibbons, Rom im
Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore for the time being ana his
successors, forever, a corporation sole under the laws of the
State of Maryland, of the property in Baltimore City known
as No. 616 Park avenue, under deed dated May 9th, 1916,
and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in
Liber S. C. L. 3056, folio 546.
24. To the following gifts, bequests and devises, contained
in the Last Will and Testament of Charles C. Smith, late of
Frederick County, deceased, dated on the 18th day of Febru-
ary, in the year 1910, and duly recorded in Liber S. D. T.