Henry Watson Children's Aid Society, three hundred dollars;
(g) St. Ignatius Catholic Church of Baltimore City, three
hundred dollars; (h) Friendly Inn Association, three hundred
12. To the sale and deed for a lot of ground situated at
the northeast corner of Conway and Howard streets, having
a front easterly of thirty-four feet, seven and one-half inches,
with a depth northerly of nearly even width, bounding on the
west side of Howard street of seventy-four feet, more or less,
to the lot formerly leased to Lynch & Craft, and described
in said deed dated the 19th day of April, 1917, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City, Liber S. C. L.
No. 3123, folio 27, &c., from Frederick E. Foos to the "Elders,
Trustees and Members of the German Evangelical Reformed
Church in the City of Baltimore."
13. To the bequest of $2,000 to the Baltimore Monthly
Meeting of Friends, Park avenue, under the fourth item of
the Will of Jonathan K. Taylor, deceased, recorded in the
office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in "Wills,"
Liber H. W. J. 124, folio 188, &c.
14. To the bequest to Vestry of Sherwood Protestant Epis-
copal Church, Sherwood Parish, Baltimore County, Maryland,
of which the correct corporate name is "The Rector and Ves-
trymen of Sherwood Chapel in Baltimore County," under the
fourth item of the .Will of Ann Gott Merryman, recorded in
the office of the Register of Wills for Baltimore County in
"Wills," Liber W. J. P. 19, folio 402, &c.
15. To the gifts to the Vestry of Christ Protestant Epis-
copal Church in the City of Baltimore and the Convention of
the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Maryland
for the use and benefit of superannuated and disabled clergy
of said Diocese, under the Will of Ella Green, deceased, re-
corded in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City.
16. To the following bequests under the Will of John Mc-
Kernan, deceased, recorded in the office of the Register of
Wills of Baltimore City: (a) One hundred dollars to Right
Reverend Mgr. George W. De-vine, Pastor at St. John's Roman
Catholic Church, located at the corner of Eager and Valley
streets in Baltimore City; (b) One hundred dollars to the
Reverend John C. Geale, Pastor at St. Ignatius' Roman Cath-
olic Church, located at the corner of Calvert and Madison
streets in Baltimore City.