of the said Commissioners, to be designated as "Additional
Fire Equipment Bonds, " bearing interest at a rate to be fixed
by the Commissioners of Chestertown not exceeding six per cen-
tum, payable semi-annually on the first day of July and the
first day of January of each year, which bonds shall be exempt
from all County and Municipal taxation in Kent County and
the due or overdue coupons for interest shall be received by the
Commissioners of Chestertown in payment of Town taxes. Said
Bonds shall bear date as of July 10th, 1919 and be payable in
sums of $500. 00 in each of the years beginning with the tenth
day of July, 1922 and each year thereafter until fully paid.
Said Bonds to be numbered consecutively and to be redeemed
in 'the order in which they are numbered, but said Bonds shall
te redeemable at the option of said Commissioners after six
years from the date of the issue.
SEC 2. And be it enacted, That said Commissioners of
Chestertown are authorized and directed to advertise at least
once a week for four successive weeks in the newspapers pub-
lished in Kent County and one newspaper published in the City
of Baltimore for sealed proposals for the negotiations of said
bonds and on a certain day to be named in said advertisement,
the said Commissioners of Chestertown shall in the presence of
such persons as may be interested in said Bonds, open all bids
received and award the bonds to the highest bidder; provided,
no bids less than par shall be accepted end reserving the right
to reject any and all bids.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the Commissioners of Ches-
tertown shall create an annual sinking fund beginning with the
year 1920 for the payment of interest and for the redemption
of said bonds, and if said sinking fund cannot be made suffi-
cient under the present authorized levy or any future author-
ized levy to pay the interest on said bonds, and the one-twelfth
part of the said bonded debt as it matures, the said Commis-
sioners of Chestertown are hereby authorized to levy and col-
lect annually a tax upon the taxable property in Chestertown
for a sum sufficient to provide for the payment of any such de-
ficiency of interest on said bonds as they mature and any de-
ficiency on one-twelfth part of the principal of said bonded
debt, as the said bonds mature.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said sum of $6, 000 or
so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose, shall by
the said Commissioners of Chestertown be used and applied to