poses without submitting the same by ordinance or in any other
way to the qualified voters of Hagerstown for their approval
or rejection, said property being known as "Police Headquar-
ters" and being particularly described as follows:
Parcel L: Being all that piece, parcel or part of a lot of
ground with improvements thereon fronting 80 feet more or
less on the west side of North Jonathan Street between West
Washington and West Franklin Streets and bordering on the
south along the public alley running east and west between
said Washington and Franklin Streets from said Jonathan
Street to Walnut Street, the said piece, parcel or part of a
lot of ground extending back westwardly from the said Jona-
than Street with uniform width a distance of 82 feet to the
eastern line of the two pieces, parcels or parts of lots of ground
therein mentioned, adjoining on the north the property of
Daniel A. Thomas and on the south the said public alley, and
being the southern 80 feet of lot No. 75 on the plan of said
Hagerstown and being the same piece, parcel or part of a lot
of ground which was conveyed to William T. Hamilton by
the Trustees of the Members of the Methodist Episcopal Church
of Hagerstown Station by deed bearing date 26th day of Jan-
uary, 1887, and duly recorded in Liber No. 90, folio 13, of
the Land Records of Washington County.
Parcel No. 2: The second piece, parcel or part of a lot of
ground situate in Hagerstown, beginning at a point on the
north marginal line of the aforesaid alley at the southern end
of the western line of the aforesaid first piece, parcel or part
of a lot of ground and running thence westwardly along the
north marginal line of said alley, 41 feet 4 inches more or less
to the east marginal line of the land formerly owned by the
heirs of Christian Winters, deceased, now being Mary E. Barr,
thence northwardly by a straight line along and with the east
marginal line of the land of the said Winters heirs or Mary E.
Barr 105 feet and 4 inches to an outhouse on the land for-
merly owned by Louisa Miller, now Daniel A. Thomas, thence
eastwardly 41 feet 4 inches more or less in a straight line and
parallel with the first line thereof to the land of Daniel A.
Thomas, thence southwardly along the land of Daniel A.
Thomas and said first piece, parcel or part of a lot of ground a
distance of 105 feet and 4 inches to the place of beginning,
part of Lot No. 74 as shown on a plat of Hagerstown and
being the realty which was conveyed to William T. Hamilton
by deed from Geo. S. Miller and wife, bearing date 28th day